Escape the Infinite ChambersCh113 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (VI)


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  1. Aghhhhh really wanna know who’s who 🥺

  2. at first i thought blackcat was specter, but now i’m thinking…. xing yan? would he even be in this situation though..

  3. Hmmmmm… Black cat seems like XY.. since hoho CROW hahahaha.. I can’t imagine him and his cousin doing this.. xD

    • My thought: That is Luo Feng!!

      When they are about to kiss: Eh, Xing Yan??!!

      When they didn’t kiss: As expected, Luo Feng!

      When the comment about grey tint in pupil: That is Xing Yan!!!


  4. I think

    Blackcat=Xing Yan handsome and black grey eyes

    Crow= Luo Jian main character

    Owl=Ah Lan short and dimpled

    Other is Spektor since no mask or scars

  5. Okay so let’s think.

    1) throughout the last arc the 5th member never came

    2) xing yan is a stalker but he had acted to Luo Jian’s defence right before everything went bad… could the chamber be punishing him?

    3) Owl has a high chance of being FYL but… little boy with red umbella also has a black stud

    4) Crow might be Luo Jian because of the dagger he had near him.

    5) Could the person that died be Shadow? But what’s the motive… Luo Jian… I mean Crow… what would have caused the death?

    6) Blackcat has a high chance to be Xing Yan because of his eye colour, when Xing Yan turned into a himan his eyes was gray

    7) I say with definite certainty that broken broom guy is Duan Li. He and Xing yan seems to be the type to fight for no reason 🤣🤣🤣

    7.1) But also the way he handled the broom is as if he had used a long dagger… we know he uses both a tang sword and a long dagger thingy…

  6. The author never mentioned about the other guy’s wearing a mask or having scars on the other side of his face tho.. I really had the initial hunch that they may be XY and DL but..idk lol

    Thanks for the chappie!💞

  7. I can say Crow is Lu Jian and Owl is Feng Yulan. Meanwhile it’s pretty obvious who the other two is, judging by how they fight it’s Duan Li and Xing Yan.

    Black Cat is Xing Yan, it is said that he’s holding a steel something that is not long not short either so basically a dagger! And Xing Yan’s weapon is dagger.

    While the one holding a broom si Duan Li. I remember Duan Li revealing his weapon when they were fighting the God, he specializes in a long sword and his position seems to be like uhm i forgot but it’s someone people called a person who used a long sword and they are like a pirate.. It’s similar to clansmen something idk 😭😭😭😭

    And in this chapter, the guy is holding a broom (obviously long) and swung it upon Black Cat (the word SWUNG!!!)