Escape the Infinite ChambersCh112 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (V)


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  1. ooooh they met up with the rest of the gang!! now i really hope they don’t kill each other lol

    • Maybe the two men’s attitude could give us a hint of who they are, like if Duan Li is there he would be more barbaric (?) Thanks for the chappie again!

  2. Hoho.. i feel like Duan Li is here xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. That poor kitty 😭😭

    Owl is a ghost and crow killed him? WTF?!

    And now two more people are thrown in wonder who it is…

  4. Crow was excited for a moment when he saw blood, hmm sus. Also i wonder if owl is actually a ghost

  5. Well, I’m 80% certain that Crow is LJ but I’m not sure about Owl. 50% I think hes ALan’s Shadow (coz of the dimples and the black stud) but later I could not help thinking maybe hes XY? (coz of his ice cold temp.) And the one on the luggage was ALan.

  6. That is definitely Duan Li and Luo Feng 🤣🤣. Two skilled men. Right now I am abit confused with Ah Lan and Luo Jian. Owl kinda feel like Luo Jian from his action towards gore, but also felt like Ah Lan from the way he spoke of feelings, philosopical words. Crow in the meantime, his cruelty really like Luo Jian (as I felt this side in Owl), but the cowardice towards blood, corpse kinda like Ah Lan. Really these two best buddies truly resembled one another when they are “without name”. It is like they both had one half of each other. I hope it didn’t end in tragedy because of this.