You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh10 - But his body tells the truth!


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Translator's Note

literally, explanation is a disguise, and the disguise is the truth

Translator's Note

literally whoever dares to start a war will catch on fire

Translator's Note

raws: mmp, slang for general curse words

Translator's Note

the person in charge of a team

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  1. Ai Zhe is trying to make a living with his stream, and those two are making it impossible 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Momo is so cute marking his prey. Even his name is so cute!! (btw i had given this name to one of my kouhai haha XD)

  3. LMAO Wen Xi spraying all cuteness both intentionally and unintentionally this chapter XDDD

    And Momo being sooooo obvious with himself lol Killed him, kill myself FOLLOW

    Poor Love Pig tho.

    Thank you for the chapter❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Hahaha, Wency setting up Love Pig for death. 😂🤣😂🤣

  5. Love Pig: this will be the last time we see this guy!

    Momo: already PMing MC where to next

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. Thank you for the new chapter! Love how ML loses his reason for playing once Wen Xi dies xD

  7. xswl xswl xswl Oh my god I love Ai Zhe HAHAHAHA HE THOUGHT HE ESCAPED BUT NO.. Wen Xi is secretly giving intelligence to AZ’s enemy (and WX’s future husband) about what to play next…

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  8. I was so off guard when I read “large scale domestic violence”, I was left dead on my bed from excess laughter 😂😂😂

  9. Lolololll who else caught that Kaito Kid reference XD I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one uwu

  10. I can’t 🤣🤣🤣 laughed SO HARD when he failed to even hit once. It’s a superpower all on it’s own ok? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. With how many help calls and cheering, I really felt Ai Zhe was the one being carried 😂. Next, he trult will taste the feeling of being carried by baba and mama la~

  12. Poor lightbulb handsome Zhe meeting Momo again even in the squad mode,,, wonder what kind of face will he make LOL

  13. Gracias por traducir esta hermosa novela. Es tan divertido. ¡Nooo! Kaito! pobre Kaito que murió. Tremenda referencia a Magic Kaito 1412. ¡Me encanta!

  14. ah! ah! ah! my poor love pig has become one of those things that turns bright when you switch them on (don’t say it, it’s a forbidden word 💀)