You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh9 - If you’re a man then directly face-off against him ah!


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Translator's Note

literally move the pot

Translator's Note

literally, the stove fire is green–perfection in one’s studies

Translator's Note

even if beaten to death, he won’t go

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  1. KSBJSNSK My comment abt Momo being the typical CEO type with his lines in last chapter were spot-on!

    And Ai Zhe ah, Ai Zhe, you’re forever stuck in this cycle as long as Momo sees you around Xixi

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. God Xi has mama fans… I Wonder If they’ll become fujoshis If Momo go on like this. 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Momo protecting Xixi gives me life hhhhh

    These two little cuties huhuhuhuhuu

    Thanks for the chapter!!!!!

  4. So Wen Xi going fire a lucky headshot arrow when Momo slides off a tree?

  5. Momo: only I can kill him. don’t touch my prey

    Viewers: he’s in love!

    I mean it’s more fun to think that way lol

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. Thank you for the chapter. Just started reading this and really enjoying it! Looking forward to more interactions between these characters…

  7. Wait no wonder the whole vibe of this novel felt familiar! it’s by the same author as “my teammates are all crazy”! nice, can’t wait to see the chemistry between momo and wency!

  8. I can already see myself as one of the stream followers and supporting Momo and Xixi….

    Thanks for the chapter

  9. ‘Friendly tip: The song names involved in the article are all plagiarized!’

    Lol, author, so cute & daring…

    And ML, really… is he aiming for a 1 on 1 battle?