Falling into the AbyssCh105 - The Eves’ Planet (XI)


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  1. my baby, ethan,,,, :(((( just once can he be happy, pls

    thank u for the update and thank u alya hehe <333

  2. My gawd his suffering just keeps coming to bite his ass. Istg he better get his well deserved happy ending. Anyways nyohoho yr welcome yall above

  3. I want to hug Ethan and also hide him from the world. He deserves better, he deserves the good this, not this cruel suffering.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!

  4. Nyrla is his father… who is basically azathoth’s creations so he wants Ethan to become one of the consciousness of azathoth?

    Let’s see what’s gonna happen…

    Thanks for the chap!!