Want to Try it Out?Ch34 - Downhill (2)

Chang Min rested on the couch, eating a tub of cookies and cream ice cream as he mindlessly watched a cartoon. He did not feel like writing; his mind stuck on the stuff that happened hours ago. 


He waited for Ye Xun to come over, wondering how he should start the conversation. Chang Min even hid the tickets under his pillow, not wanting to stare at them any longer. 


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He reached towards the end of the cookies and cream when his front door opened. Ye Xun walked in, taking off his shoes and hanging his blazer like usual before closing and locking the door. 


Ye Xun walked over to Chang Min, wrapping his arms around him from behind. The couch made it hard for him to lean any closer. “I hope you did not eat ice cream all day.” Ye Xun commented when he noticed the ice cream. 


“No. I had a sandwich earlier.” 



Humming, Ye Xun kissed the side of Chang Min’s head before moving to the other side of the couch to sit next to Chang Min. 


Once Ye Xun sat down, Chang Min picked up his legs, putting them in Ye Xun’s lap. Ye Xun held his legs, tapping his fingers on them. “What did you want to talk about?” he asked. 


Chang Min bit his lip, not wanting to start the conversation about Ye Xun’s mother. He set his ice cream down, “How was your day?” 


Ye Xun raised his eyebrow at the question, “Do you want to know, or are you stalling? Because I feel like you are. Meaning, it is bad news you are going to tell me.” 


“You know me too well.” Chang Min sighed. 


“How bad is it?” Ye Xun asked. 


Chang Min took a deep breath before answering, “BadasinyourmotherseeingmeandtrickingmeintogettingyoutogotoaneventsheplannedandifIdonotdoitshewillgetmyparentsfired.” He was breathing hard after saying all those words in one breath. 


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What?” Ye Xun could not follow any of it. He tried, he really did, but most of the words started blending. 


Taking another deep breath, Chang Min tried again, but speaking slower this time, “It is bad as in your mother seeing me and tricking me into getting you to go to an event she has planned. And if I don’t do it, as in if we don’t show up, she will get my parents fired.” 


Ye Xun sighed, feeling a headache coming on as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “My mother did what?” 


“Trick and threaten me?” 


Quickly pulling out his phone, Ye Xun went to his contacts, clicking his mother’s name to call her. “She cannot do this.” 


Before he could call, Chang Min stopped him by grabbing his hand, “Wait, don’t call her. I feel it would get worse rather than better.” 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Jtjcu Zlc, P jw cba ublcu ab ifa ws wbatfg atgfjafc sbe jcv sbeg ojwlis.” Tf Wec aglfv ab gfjrbc klat Jtjcu Zlc. Dea Jtjcu Zlc rtbbx tlr tfjv, qeiilcu Tf Wec’r qtbcf ogbw tlw. 


“Obbx, rtf jigfjvs xcbkr ktb P jw jcv ktb ws qjgfcar jgf. Coafg rqfjxlcu klat tfg, ktja vb sbe atlcx rtf klii vb? Vabq? P vbc’a atlcx rb, Tf Wec.” 


Ye Xun opened his mouth, getting ready to refute the statement, but Chang Min continued, cutting off his argument. 


“And you can try to stop her at every point, but she will keep trying. If she is still trying to get you home, she will never stop until it happens.” 


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“But when it does, she will only get greedy. I know my mother. Even if I don’t want to, I know the type of person she is because, at times, we are the same.” Ye Xun let Chang Min take his phone as he leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes. 

  LT5 7O

For a long time, he made sure his mother did not know about Chang Min, even when Chang Min used to sneak over during his teen years. Once his mother sniffs a weakness, she latches on until she bleeds it dry. And Chang Min is a weakness that would never go away because he doesn’t want it to. 


Touching Ye Xun’s cheek, Chang Min caressed it, “Ye Xun, what are you thinking?” 


Ye Xun leaned into the touch, glancing at Chang Min as his face softened from the frown beginning to form. “Do you want to do this? Go to the event?” 


“Yeah. I will be there with you, Ye Xun, every step of the way. We don’t even have to stay long.” Chang Min answered. 


Ye Xun sighed once more before grabbing Chang Min’s hand and kissing it, “Okay. We will do it.” 


Leaning closer, Chang Min kissed his cheek, “Sorry.” 


“It is fine. It is not your fault. How did my mother find out about you anyway?” 


Chang Min moved back, playing with his fingers as he thought about the question, “Remember Yao Zhihao from high school?” 


“The one who followed around Shao Yuhan like a lost puppy and kept popping up around you?” Ye Xun thought back. 


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Chang Min laughed at that description, “Shao Yuhan followed you around like a lost puppy too.” 


Shrugging, Ye Xun ignored that comment, “So, what about him?” 


“He told me his client wanted to meet me, which his client was your mother. So, she found out about me from him.” 


“I swear, it is like those two keep popping up no matter what.” Ye Xun muttered. 


“What do you mean?” Chang Min looked confused. 


“Shao Yuhan interviewed to be my new secretary.” 


Chang Min counted to ten in his head before counting backward. “I am not jealous if you are thinking that. I have you, so I don’t care if Shao Yuhan wants to follow you around again.” 


Ye Xun chuckled, “I wasn’t going to say anything; I believe you.” 


“Whatever.” Chang Min rolled his eyes. 


Ye Xun moved into Chang Min’s lap, giving small kisses on his forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips. Chang Min tried to fight his smile, but it came out anyway. He wrapped his arms around Ye Xun’s waist, “Hmm, I think I need more than kisses to believe you, Ye Xun.” 


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Rolling his hips, Ye Xun planted another kiss on the side of Chang Min’s mouth, “And what is that?” 


Chang Min’s breath hitched from the move, “Well, you know, you and me featuring my bed.” 


“Oh, I like the sound of that.” 


They quickly moved off the couch, making their way to Chang Min’s bedroom, closing the door. Chang Min sat on his bed, pulling Ye Xun on top of him. Ye Xun used his hand to stop himself from falling entirely on Chang Min. 


“Hey,” Ye Xun smiled as he looked down at Chang Min. 


Chang Min smiled back, “Hey.” 


“Can I ask you something?” Ye Xun questioned. 


“Yeah, what is it?” Chang Min responded, wondering what Ye Xun wanted to ask. 


“Are,” Ye Xun stopped himself for a second, wondering if he should ask at all. But he steeled himself and did anyway, “Are you a virgin?” 


Chang Min’s stomach dropped at the question as his face turned a bit pale, “Is-is it important if I am?” 


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Ye Xun shook his head, “I am not judging you or anything. I wanted to know to see what you are comfortable with me doing.” 


“Oh,” Chang Min looked down, biting his bottom lip before slowly releasing it, “I am not a virgin.” 


Sitting up as he moved off Chang Min, Ye Xun was surprised, not expecting that answer. Even though he asked, he did not expect Chang Min to say no. 


Seeing that Ye Xun moved away, Chang Min felt his stomach dropping some more. He sat up, grabbing Ye Xun’s hand as he intertwined their fingers. “Is that okay with you, Ye Xun?” 


Ye Xun squeezed his hand, “Yeah. I mean, it would be hypocritical of me if I said it wasn’t. I am surprised, though. You don’t like being around people, less interacting with others that are not your parents or me. 


“So, I did not expect you to say no.” 


Chang Min nodded, “That is true, and I don’t like getting touched by others if it is not my parents or you. But this was something stupid I did. Remember when you told me that you slept with others back in high school?” 


“Yeah.” Ye Xun nodded. 


“Well, I did not realize why it made my heart hurt when you told me. Not only that, I was jealous too, but of what, I did not know at the time. So, being a teenager with teenage hormones, I slept with someone because of that.


“It was dumb, and I was far from thinking straight at the time. I regretted my decision, even to this day. If I could take it back, I would.” Chang Min finished. He never even told anyone he slept with someone, not even his parents.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Who did you sleep with?” Ye Xun asked. 


The question caused Chang Min to freeze. He slowly swallowed a lump in his throat after a few seconds of being still. He did not want to answer that question, “Is it fine if I don’t answer that question?”  


Ye Xun nodded, pulling the hand in his, close to his lips so that he could kiss Chang Min’s hand. “That is fine. If you are not comfortable telling me, you don’t have to.” 


Chang Min smiled, feeling relieved, “Okay.” 


“So, do you want to continue doing things or wait?” Ye Xun asked. 


“I want to continue to do things, but I don’t want to go all the way yet. I want to act like it is my first time and do it right. Is that okay with you?” 


“More than okay, Chang Min. It is more than okay.” Ye Xun moved closer, resting his forehead on Chang Min’s forehead. 


Chang Min brightly smiled, enjoying the comfort and understanding before saying, “I believe someone owes me a hand that should be feeling up my body.” 


Ye Xun chuckled, “Oh, do I now?” He pushed Chang Min back down on the bed, kissing his lips, “well, I better get to it.” 

I meant to post this chapter earlier, but I went to my little sister’s high school event. People just don’t believe I am 22 years old. I get mistaken for a teen all the time. edpDvd

Also, don’t worry, it won’t be long until Chang Min and Ye Xun finally go all the way.

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  1. Considering how many years they have have been waiting, I am surprised that they both are still not going all the way. I wonder why Chang min keeps wanting to wait?

  2. Okay but I want to know who Ye Xun slept with and why. Like I thought he was in love with our boy since he was little?