Want to Try it Out?Ch1 - Starting Point

Alex grabbed Cain’s waist, wrapping his arm tight around it as he pulled Cain close. Cain’s arm hit Alex’s chest, trying to keep space between them as his face turned red. 


He looked to the side, acting as if he was memorizing the surrounding walls. “Alex, what are you doing?” 


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Alex used his free hand to grab Cain’s chin, pulling it towards him. Even then, Cain found it too embarrassing to look at Alex’s face. 


He knew that if he did, his mind would go blank. 


“Cain, you have been ignoring me. And there is so much I can take before I turn into a predator, making you my prey.” Alex’s eyes gleamed with the light as he narrowed them. 



“Ah,” Cain’s eyes continued to look around, “Alex, you are picturing things. I am not ignoring you; I have been busy.” 


“Then, look at me.” Alex tried to keep the demand out of his tone, but he couldn’t help it. When it came to Cain, it felt like the beast within him wanted to come out and consume Cain. 


Cain took a deep breath as his eyes finally fell upon Alex. His breath quickly hitched as he took in the dark gleam of Alex’s eyes. He felt himself getting pulled in. 


“Why have you been ignoring me?” Alex asked, seeing as he finally got Cain’s attention. 


Cain swallowed down a lump in his throat, “I-


Chang Min heard his bedroom door opening, causing him to close his laptop quickly. The slam resonated in the darkroom that began to gain a bright light as the bedroom door continued to open. 


The lights brightly turned on, causing Chang Min to cover his eyes with a curse. Even though his laptop was the only light source at first, his eyes still hurt from the sudden new ones. 


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“Chang Min, how many times must I tell you to stop sitting in a dark room? It is creepy.” Ye Xun spoke as he entered the room, only to sigh as he looked at the surrounding mess. 


The room had papers, food wrappers, drink cans, and trash bags everywhere. There was also a stench in the room, but Ye Xun grew used to the smell each time he came to Chang Min’s room. 


“How many days has it been already?” Ye Xun asked as he started picking things up. It already became an automatic thing. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Jtjcu Zlc aegcfv jgbecv lc tlr rfja, tlr mbqqfg tjlg oibklcu klat atf wbnfwfca jr tf ifoa la ecalfv. Llr tjlg jiwbra uba mjeuta lc atf mtjlg jujlc, rfflcu tbk la kjr jigfjvs ja tlr kjlra. Lf cfnfg atbeuta bo meaalcu la.


Lf tjv bc ylu rdejgfv uijrrfr atja rilv vbkc tlr cbrf j yla. Jtjcu Zlc vlv cba cffv atfw, yea tf erfv atfw ab mbwyja atf uijgf ogbw atf ijqabq rmgffc. 

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“Ye Xun, I see that you are back. How was your trip?” Chang Min ignored Ye Xun’s question, acting like he has not been in his room for the past four days. 


Ye Xun put the papers in three different stacks, pushing them to the side. He frowned at Chang Min, ignoring his question, “Seriously, Chang Min?” 


“What?” Chang Min could not understand what he did wrong. 


He did not see a problem staying in his room and spending his days writing. However, Chang Min had severe social anxiety and spent his days at home, barely coming out. 


In the beginning, he did nothing for four months, silently becoming a couch potato until Ye Xun told him to do something with his life. 


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So, he started writing. It calmed him as he began to type down words. 


Initially, Chang Min wrote fantasy stories. Then, he would post them on a novel site, gaining readers who enjoyed his stories while supporting him. 


He likes his readers, and they were the ones who introduced him to the stories he now writes. They would talk about shipping two of his male characters from his novels. 


So, even though he is straight, he decided to give his readers a treat and write a scene between the two males for them. 


And from there, he went down a hole of no return and started writing BL stories without stopping. 


It has been two years now, and he became a famous BL writer with a huge fan base. However, none of his fans got to see him because Chang Min wrote under a pen name, not wanting anyone to know he was a male writing BL. 


Ye Xun stood up, facing Chang Min as he glared at him, “Go take a bath, right now.” 


Chang Min sighed, running his hand through his hair, only to stop when they got caught. He pulled them back out with a wince. 


“Do I have to?” 

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“Yes, you hermit. Go take a bath while I clean your room again.” 


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chang Min stood up, stretching; his body made many popping sounds, showing he had been sitting for a long time. 


Chang Min looked at Ye Xun, taking in the man’s appearance compared to his. 


Ye Xun had brown hair that was in a comb-over style. He looked clean and refined as he wore slacks with a button-up shirt that had a trench coat over it. 


And Chang Min looked like a mess compared to him. His hair was tangled and all over the place, while his pajamas that he had on for four days were messy. 


Ye Xun’s grey eyes darkened as he continued to glare at Chang Min, who had not moved. He moved closer, grabbing Chang Min’s glasses off his face. “Are you listening?” 


Chang Min tilted his head, scratching the stubble on his face, “I might.” 


“Chang Min,” Ye Xun growled, “go take a bath!” 


“Fine, no need to yell.” Chang Min walked out of the room. 


Ye Xun watched him leave before looking around the room for an almost empty bag. He found one near the desk, picking it up as he started throwing away the wrappers and cans. 


He quickly went to work, finishing in five minutes as he tied the bag. Then, he grabbed the trash bags in the room, putting them outside the door. He thought about taking them out later. 


Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

When Ye Xun reentered the room, he heard the laptop make a noise. He walked over to Chang Min’s laptop, opening it without hesitation. 


He and Chang Min had known each other since they were five, so he never hesitated when he went through Chang Min’s things. 


It was the same for Chang Min. 


When he opened the laptop, he was met with the screen asking for a password. 


He quickly put in a password, getting into the laptop as it showed the last thing Chang Min was on. 


Chang Min was writing like usual. Ye Xun thought as he sat down and started to read what Chang Min wrote. 


He knew that Chang Min had made many stories over the years, but Ye Xun never got to read them because Chang Min hid them from him. 


Ye Xun thought that his best friend was probably writing porn and was too embarrassed to share it, so he never pushed Chang Min to show him. 


But now that Chang Min is currently in the bath, he can finally see what the man has been writing. 


Ye Xun scrolled up, starting from the beginning of the unfinished chapter. As he started reading the story, his eyebrow began to rise higher and higher. 


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His eyes widened as he kept reading each word written on the screen. Ye Xun was intrigued and surprised. 


And before he could reach the part Chang Min stopped at, the laptop slammed closed. 


Ye Xun looked over, only to see Chang Min standing there with only a towel, while his face lay utterly red. He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t get any words to leave his lips. 

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Ye Xun calmly glanced at him as he asked, “Do you write BL stories?” 


Chang Min felt his stomach dropping; he wanted to die on the spot.

The story was on Scribblehub, but I took it off since I originally planned to put the story here. I will post the rest of the chapters I already wrote tomorrow. ktyrbe

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  1. Dumb ways to die: Give the password of your laptop to your bestfriend knowing you have embarrasing things in there. 🤣🤣🤣