The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh58 - Provocation


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Translator's Note

Yes, the chapter title is the same as chapter 29.

Translator's Note

Formations (阵 zhèn) (阵法 zhènfǎ) – divided into battle formations and spell formations, although they are often just called “formations”. Battle formations are “fantasy-fied” tactical formations used by several cultivators or martial artists attacking in concert. From:

Translator's Note

Actually, he referred to himself as “this Mo” here, but I thought that would sound weird.

Translator's Note

玄 (xuán) black / mysterious.

灵 (líng) spirit.

龟 (guī) tortoise / turtle.

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  1. Hi, I apologize about being “that person” but do you mean Chapter 58?

    Also, isn’t Cheng Xi the same guy who turned his hair green after eating the “cultivation boosting” pills??? Lol 😂

    Thank you for bringing us another chapter!

    • Thank you for letting me know. It seems I was a little distracted when I posted😅

      Chen Xi is so tsundere for MTL🤣

  2. MT is too handsome as cool. I love how his image crumbles.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. What’s to those disciples If Mo Tianliao is going to the conference and his master pampers him? Jealous? Grow up already!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. There’s always a bunch of arrogant idiots who try to happily seek death and after that they hate the person they lost to even more.. brainless fools :3

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/