The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh57 - Selecting People


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Translator's Note

The Black Tortoise or Black Turtle 玄武 (Xuánwǔ) is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. Despite its English name, it is usually depicted as a turtle entwined together with a snake. Furthermore, in East Asian mythology it is not called after either animal, but is instead known as the “Black Warrior” under various local pronunciations.
It represents the north and the winter season, thus it is sometimes called Black Tortoise of the North北方玄武 (Běifāng Xuánwǔ).
The creature’s name is identical to that of the important Taoist god Xuanwu, who is sometimes (as in Journey to the West) portrayed in the company of a turtle and a snake.
In ancient China, the tortoise and the serpent were thought to be spiritual creatures symbolizing longevity.

Translator's Note

It’s a play on 打蛇打七寸 (dǎshédǎqīcùn), literally to hit the snake 7 inches below its head, meaning to hit where it hurts or to attack a problem at its core.

Translator's Note

The White Tiger 白虎 (Báihǔ) is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West 西方白虎 (Xīfāng Báihǔ).
Pc Jtlcfrf meiaegf, atf alufg lr atf xlcu bo atf yfjrar jcv tjr yffc qgfrfcafv klat j 王 (kjcu) wfjclcu xlcu, bc tlr obgftfjv obg mfcaeglfr. Cmmbgvlcu ab ifufcv, atf alufg’r ajli kbeiv aegc ktlaf ktfc la gfjmtfv atf juf bo 500 sfjgr. Pc atlr kjs, atf ktlaf alufg yfmjwf j xlcv bo wsatbibulmji mgfjaegf. Pa kjr rjlv atja atf ktlaf alufg kbeiv bcis jqqfjg ktfc atf fwqfgbg geifv klat jyrbieaf nlgaef, bg lo atfgf kjr qfjmf atgbeutbea atf kbgiv. Dfmjerf atf mbibeg ktlaf bo atf Qe Wlcu atfbgs jirb gfqgfrfcar atf kfra, atf Qtlaf Klufg yfmjwf j wsatbibulmji uejgvljc bo atf kfra.

Translator's Note

Link to video.

Translator's Note

The Azure Dragon 青龍 (Qīnglóng), also known as Blue-green Dragon, Green Dragon, or the Blue Dragon 蒼龍 (Cānglóng), is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. The Azure Dragon represents the east and the spring season. His cardinal direction’s epithet is “Bluegreen Dragon of the East” 東方青龍 (Dōngfāng Qīnglóng) or 東方蒼龍 (Dōngfāng Cānglóng).

Translator's Note

The Vermilion Bird 朱雀 (Zhūquè) is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. According to Wu Xing, the Taoist five-elemental system, it represents the fire-element, the direction south, and the season summer correspondingly. Thus, it is sometimes called the Vermilion Bird of the South 南方朱雀 (Nán Fāng Zhū Què). It is described as a red bird that resembles a pheasant with a five-coloured plumage and is perpetually covered in flames.

Translator's Note

波澜壮阔 (bō lán zhuàng kuò) surge high and sweep forward; on a magnificent scale; surging forward with great momentum.

Translator's Note

挤眉弄眼 (jǐ méi nòng yǎn) wink and make signs to one another; give sb. a surreptitious wink now and then; lift one’s eyebrows and wink as signals to sb; make faces.

Translator's Note

He’s using 悬 which sounds the same as the second part of 沃玄 (wò xuán), which is Xuanji’s abode.
悬 (xuán) hang; suspend; feel anxious; be solicitous; outstanding; unresolved; far apart; dangerous.

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  1. You’re not slowing down! You translate faster than I can read!

    When Qingtong said his Master hatched him, I imagined the big dog sitting on a little egg, hahaha.

    Ohh, so many disciples! And Qingtong bullies every single one!


    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I love that Master really is a kitty, regardless of form. And MT know just how to eat his tofu hehehe.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Hahaha so basically the entire sect is just food and toys for our Lord Kitty– a cushion, a rag, a pillow, lots of toys and food, and a cat tree/scratching post deym what a life hahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. Lmao!🤣🤣🤣 Poor disciples.

    Press the paw game was so cute!! 😍😍😍

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  5. LMAO Qingtong has the whole sect under his paws xD Also, you’re speed isn’t slow, so take your time without stressing too much, it’s fine <3

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. Thx for the chapter! Just wanted to let u know that the baihu note said wtng for the character 王 (pretty sure it’s Wang?)

    • It’s so weird, when I look at it in the editor it looks like á but it renders it like an accented t in normal view 🤔

      Thank you for letting me know!

  7. I wonder why Qingtong doesn’t have any stripes. Thanks for translating!

  8. Aww~ Lord Kitty just used MTL as a meat cushion :3

    And we learned much this chapter, that was really interesting… how afraid they all are of Lord Kitty lolol

    Thx for the bonus ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘) And please don’t stress yourself, you already translate super fast :3

  9. Thanks for update! You translate and churn out chapters sooo fast so don’t apologiZe, hope you don’t feel you have to put out chapters so quickly! 💕🌻

  10. Mo Tianliao supressed a smirk. Xuanji felt humiliated and shouted, “Yu Li, you–”

    “Master!” Yu Li, before his Master could finish speaking, knelt on the ground and hugged his Master’s legs. “You can’t let this disciple die!”

    As the three disciples spoke, they unexpectedly began to cry in complete unison, a veritable tragedy.


    I laugh so hard. 🤣🤣 Poor Guys, you all can stay reassure. After all, Lord Kitty’s Hubby is all along the way with you Guys.😂😂 He can restrain his Kitty. Calm down. Relax.

  11. Lord Kitteh, the sect’s weapon of destruction – it can even destroy their own disciples. 😂