The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh24 - Exotic Flowers


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Translator's Note

It’s a joke, Hua Qing’s name contains the character for flower. Exotic flowers may refer literally to rare flowers and metaphorically to something exquisitely beautiful. But you’ll find it much more frequently used as a sarcastic way to refer to weirdos.

Translator's Note

九曲ζ‘₯ (jiΗ”qΕ«qiΓ‘o) Nine-turn or zigzag bridge.

Translator's Note

姹紫嫣纒(chà zǐ yān hónɑ) deep purples and bright reds; beautiful flowers; rose-coloured.

Translator's Note

The raw actually says he sprayed like an aerosol can:blobrofl:

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Best cultivation potential.

Translator's Note

炙(zhì) to broil / to roast

Translator's Note

Meng Hu

Translator's Note

Could also mean gorgeous.

Translator's Note

1,66 m.

Translator's Note

吃ι₯±ε₯½δΈŠθ·― I think it’s what you say to convicts about to be executed. Eat up before you die so you don’t become a hungry ghost. He’s implying Master’s gonna kill him.

Translator's Note

Yes, it was meant to be in Japanese. Visual aid:

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  1. Hahahaha hahaha. The Shixiongs are playing around as two little animals but in their human form it looks like something else. 🀣

    Sooooo everyone in that sect are beasts?! And when are they going to tell Mo Tianliao about it?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Mo Tianlao seems to be the only one with no clue of what is actually happening in the sect. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Thanks for the chapter!! ^^

  3. So… I’m guessing Hua Qing is a rooster or some other kind of bird? Colourful, scared of cats…

    Lord Kitty is the cutest. 😍

  4. Hahahah that chotto matte tho <3 the mystery had been solved yay~ they’re all beast cultivators hahaha the carpenter is just so cute xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡

  5. Love how Hua Qing immediately stiffened up when Lord Kitty showed his face

    The tiger skin rug was hilarious. The idea of a small white cat dominating a tiger is just so intriguing! I wonder how their master-disciple relationship came about…

    Haha that image of the fight at the end XD the small theater made it all the more amazing

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. It’s so funny and adorable. I’m reading this for the third time lol. Who asked Xiaozhao to be super adorable?