My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh40 - The Ring is on Your Finger!


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Translator's Note

“秀” -> Excellent or wonderful, used as a praise

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  1. So cute~ 😍 It got me grinning!😊

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. Geglcu atf alwf ktfc Kjcu Qjc kfca ab olcv Ibcu Lf, atf cewyfg bo qfbqif atja ibuufv lcab atf raevlb gbrf jcv tla jc jii-alwf tlut.

    The highest amount of viewers were when the host wasn’t there. XD XD XD

    Ah, the heart-warming!


    • Ahahaha, I tried to copy the words where he left the viewers XD XD XD

  3. It’s already midnight in here and I really want scream but I can’t………… THIS IS SOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 😍😍😍

  4. Long time reader here, I had to make an account because this chapter made me cry so much. When Zhong He embraced Tang Wan I couldn’t stop my tears!

  5. I think their first kiss was when the marshal pretended he couldn’t reach the elevator button, the sly cat.

  6. Lin Bo is really loyal. If I were him Zong He would never see me or his assets again lol.

    Zong He would never see me or his assets again lol.