My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh39 - Is There Any Use in Resisting?


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Translator's Note

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  1. XD XD XD

    I look forward to the netizens freaking out further.


  2. Yessssss! The surprise big reveal (≧▽≦) look at how much the Marshal treasures his wife <( ̄︶ ̄)>Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  3. ahahahah the cat is out of the bag. Tang Wang was so ignorant and trusting Zhong He had requested it to some jewelry shop he didn’t even know it was the hot topic of the moment. ahahahha he didn’t want to show is face and connections but now everyone knows he isn’t an ordinary citizen💍

  4. Jajaja. ¡Gracias por el capítulo!😆

  5. Lolololol his viewers’ reactions are the best xD

  6. sdfg at the start of the chapter i nearly choked on my drink. Tang Wan thinking one of the rings must’ve been like a “Free with purchase” deal….omg….

  7. WAHAHAHAHA, I feel like someone is going to get in trouble after spending 1.3 billion. But Tang Tang would forgive him~

    Thanks for the chapter! 🌸