My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh21 - The Ancients Ate Better Than You


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Translator's Note

Flower little chubby

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Tangerine little chubby

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Tall little chubby

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Short little chubby

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洗刷刷 -> Wash and scrub

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

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  1. I guessing I get to kidnap… I mean kill… I mean… calmly ‘negotiate’ with someone soon.

    • Really ‘calmly’ probably at an abandoned warehouse where no-one can hear you scream. smiles happily in a creepy way

      • Ooh let me be your assistant, this will be fun~

        Thanks for the chapter! 💕

    • Having a feeling that the indifferent son of the Marquis is Tang Wan’s brother that was trying to save him. I really hope

      • I think that is the younger brother of Tang Tingye (the Xiao Ye – WanWan shouted the name). Tang Tingye is a crown princess to be, so he can’t be heir to the Duke Tang family. Thus they said, the second born will be inherited the Dukedom which is the indifferent seems b*tchy and shrewd.

  2. Thanks for the new chapter! Not sure what the last part means tho, are they seriously going with those charges against Tang Wan? (not that I would blame them, his “power” is too weird, but still)

  3. I bet it’s that sycophant trying to get him to sell him the cat that is putting them up to this. Yeah, good luck buddy. Hope that rock you are about to drop doesn’t break all of your toes (ok, who am I kidding…break them all!)

  4. Bastids!

    I love the bickering XD XD XD


  5. what do u mean “such a large battle, so he cant go on”? lol

    • RenTheWitch (@RenTheWitch1)

      ah i get it now, its cause they think those pets are mutated cubs… Zong He! people are bullying ur wife, begging u to come beat them up!

    • I think it is because they thought he is nobody from third-rate planet. So with all the reports, many departments will be flooding WanWan’s for investigation which for the instigator “so big for WanWan to handle” lol. Black and orange tiger eyeing all those that seek death.

  6. Wait, wait, this last part is a bit confusing, at first “the Imperial Department of Gene Security sent hundreds of emails to all parts of the Empire” and then “Hundreds of complaints came in at once, alerting the Imperial Department of Gene Security”So they’re basically sending fake complaints to their own department as an excuse to bully our MC? (੭ु ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )੭ु⁾⁾ This is such an obvious ‘dropping hammer on your own toe’!

  7. (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾ The food made me hungry at midnight!! This is unfair! Demand the meng as compensation!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🍖