The Werewolf Young Master's CaretakerCh21 - Heretic Executor

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Translator: Ama
Editor: reizora

“This forest is surprisingly small.” L18iqK

When I first came to the mansion, I thought about how big this forest was, but if you run through it, it turned out that this forest is nothing more than an ordinary forest. It won’t take more than three hours to get out from here. When I came here before, I came at night, so maybe that’s why I felt this forest was bigger.

Even though the forest is dense and dark, but still this is a place where time flows slowly. Sometimes I see a rabbit crossing in front of me and a squirrel eating nuts.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


….Will you really be alright alone? xZaq8f

I quickly shook off the anxiety that had come to my mind.

I couldn’t stay with Yuria until I get over that night.

I’ll do what I could for Yuria.

Let’s find a way to control that power, get over the past, and then go see him again.



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I’m not convinced.

P vbc’a kjca ab ifjnf. P kjca ab yf ys Teglj’r rlvf. Dea atlr xlcv bo offilcu klii cfnfg tfiq tlw.

“….Qtja?” tObGYW

Ktfc jii atf rbecvr vlrjqqfjgfv ogbw atf obgfra. Ejyylar jcv rdelggfir jirb vlrjqqfjg ktlif j afcrf rlifcmf ojiir.

Cr rbbc jr P ofia rbwfbcf’r qgfrfcmf ogbw j vlrajcmf, P vfmlvfv ab rafq bea ogbw atf qjat. P atfc gbvf ws tbgrf vffq lcab atf obgfra. Coafg glvlcu ojg fcbeut, P uba boo ws tbgrf jcv gfaegcfv ab atf qjat ktfgf P mjwf ogbw.

Then the sound of horse’s hooves approaching. It’s not just one or two.

I hid myself under the shade of a tree and held my breath. After a while, I saw about 10 armed men riding horses. XUnlN

“I can’t believe there’s a vampire’s mansion in a place like this….”

“That’s why we’re here.”

I heard the men’s voices. They have slender swords on their waist that I’ve never seen before.

“Intelligence finally found it. We can’t afford to fail.” 0lAIfo

“I know that. However, I’m curious about the information that one of the Seasons is taking a human….”

“I’m sure he took that human to be used as food.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Maybe so, but why did he have to take that human to this place? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Are you trying to say it’s a trap?” fRlTLA

“I think it’s very likely.”

“Are you afraid? You can’t become the Heretic Executor if you are afraid of the monsters, you know?”

“That’s not what I mean!”

“Don’t be mad at me. It’s my first assignment. I’m nervous.” 1hFy8e

“I’m sorry. I wanted to relieve the tension, but it has the opposite effect.”

“Whatever they do, it doesn’t change what we have to do.”

It was a middle-aged man in a different suit of armor from the others. There are several decorations hanging on his shoulder.

“If we miss this chance, we will never know when we can be this close again. Even if this is a trap that has been prepared, we can still destroy it and drive a stake into his heart.” NtgxFm


As the men left, I exhaled my stuffy breath.

….they’re people from the Church.

The pattern of the armor the men wore looked familiar. Two geckos around the holy spear stuck in the ground, biting each other’s tails. That is a symbol of the Religion Church in this continent. BMi0gJ

I immediately turned around. The men headed to the mansion where Yuria lived. The goal is probably ‘extermination the monster’.

It seems from the story that I heard, they went this far to chase Yuria’s uncle. The human that he took must be me.

“We have to go after them. Don’t leave the forest.”

When I returned to my horse, I removed his bit and kick it’s sides. Then, he ran towards the mansion. bEqaBM

What if those people meet Yuria?

He will not do anything to the people from the Church. But what about the beast? If Yuria loses consciousness and the beast comes out… He will definitely kill everyone without mercy.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

And then Yuria――

“….I will never let you kill anyone. Never.” TSB4yh

While paying attention to my last thought, I took a detour through the forest and head to the mansion.

I have never ridden a horse before so I don’t know how to put it in the words. If you have better suggestion, feel free to tell me! (I’m still trying to find the better words!) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anyway, thank you so much for the birthday wishes guys!(*’βˆ€’δΊΊοΌ‰β™₯


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  1. Ohh, Ban-san came back sooner than I thought! To protect Yuria!! Ahh, he’ll be moved!

    Thanks for the chapter!