The Submissive EmperorCh38 - Business


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Translator's Note

 This is a white-coloured cake that has a springy, chewy mouthfeel, but it’s harder than osmanthus cake – more towards a biscuit kind of texture, though not as hard as a biscuit. The primary ingredients in this cake are glutinous rice flour, regular rice flour and sugar.

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Translator's Note

Gongzi is a respectful form of address for a young male member of the nobility. Sort of like “Mister” or “Sir”.

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  1. It is such a pity that they had to love secretly despite loving each other so much. Thank you for this chapter

  2. I want to hug Lu Ye Qian He’s thigh….>.< >.< If I was an artist I would drawn thousand pieces of their scenes 😣😣

  3. Ooh, crafty official,,,sounds fun!!! ✷‿✷

    Also Lou Jing seems to be entering his Shang Qinghua era. Good for him.

  4. Person: “Congrats on getting your title back! (Must be glad to not be a housewife anymore!)

    Lou Jing: ~crickets~ (I’d rather be a housewife right now)

    I love that Lou Jing never indulges anyone that congratulates him. He’s happy to make it obvious that he’s was/is okay with being married to Xiao Chengjun even if it meant he had to give up being a Shizi.