The Submissive EmperorCh37 - Canals


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Translator's Note

Dianxin can mean a number of things. Sometimes these are snacks, like osmanthus pastries, eaten at teatime or supper, but they can also mean proper food like fried dumplings and steamed buns (baozi). In the current context, it’s the latter – for breakfast, proper food would normally be served instead of things like cakes and pastries.

Translator's Note

In the context of this sentence, this refers to a new courtesan who’s likely to be a virgin.

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  1. Thank you for the chapter 💖

    Agh… I want them to be together soon.. I mean when they were in the Eastern Palace they were together all day, and now Crown Prince is shooing Lou Jing away…. 😭😭😭

    And his new deputy is bit stupid… why would Luo Jing go to a brothel when he has his sweet Crown Prince 🤴😁

  2. Since Lou Jing has been promoted, what happened to the previous Left Commander General? Does he also get promoted or does he just get shifted out? Wouldn’t that cause bad feelings? Also, I thought it said that now that XCJ was not the Crown Prince and did not live in the Eastern Palace, he didn’t have to deal with stuff like going to the imperial court? Or was it just doing the daily greetings and stuff?

  3. Lol its funny how the two kids he beat in the last chapter now looks up to Lou Jing…

    Their relationship is so cute. Too bad LJ cant stay for a long time.

    Thanks for the chapter

  4. Thanks for the chapter ~

    Лу Цзин даже при свете дня наведывается к принцу, хи-хи

  5. There was a time when Xiao Chengjun & Lou Jing wouldn’t want to be separated for a minute & now our lovely “ex” crown prince is shooing away our sweet, clingy ML (╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)

    F*ck palace drama and quickly get back together ~fufu~