Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh84 - Kidnapping


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Translator's Note

old four

Translator's Note

old two

Translator's Note

A phrase, Cheng Yaojin who showed up midway to kill. Someone who came out at an opportune time, supposedly. Cheng Yaojin is a famous general who earned lots of merit by showing up at the right time

Translator's Note

Lmao I have never heard of such a thing. Author pls just say ‘yeah it’s for plot’.

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  1. And that’s my villain kidnaper is what we call BURSTING ONE’S FANTASY BUBBLE..

    thanks for the chapter…

    Can’t wait for the next chapter…❤❤❤

  2. Is “Overbearing Chairman Fall In Love With Me” a real book lol The author advertising this book so much 😂

  3. Regarding the ‘scenes need to be shot for animated films’, this is a real thing. Sometimes animation professionals will use footage to block in large amounts of background rather than drawing it all, it saves a lot of time and money. It could also be reference footage for them to base designs on. So I find it semi-plausible.

  4. Dear translator, actually the movie Hercules from Disney is a good example of a animated movie who had scenes shot, you can find it in YouTube a video of the muses singing and dancing with the same hairstyle and clothes of the movie… it’s quite entertaining, but it’s shorter than the official version. Have a good day 🙂