Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh70 - Bodyguard


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Translator's Note

Jules: I feel compelled to say that I was o_O when I typed this out

Translator's Note

Oct 1

Translator's Note

long talk again. 伸手不打笑脸人, when someone is in the wrong and you raise a hand to hit them, if they smile and make their apologies first, it isn’t good to continue on, and tbh you probably would feel bad if you did anyways. So basically it’s like, since i’m polite to you, you can’t NOT be polite to me.

Translator's Note

耳闻目染 Literal translation is my ears hear often and my eyes are dyed with it. As in, he sees it so often that he was unconsciously influenced

Translator's Note

吾皇万岁万岁万万岁 this chant is p famous right? Everyone hears it in Chinese shows when the emperor walks in.

Translator's Note

This saying is talking about mahjong lol. There must be four players to play mahjong

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  1. Oh,so no more reincarnated persona since everyone has already gathered and complete?

    Uncle Yu Lang will surely be so upset that the faceslap he’s waiting will be for naught.

  2. I knew it! I just knew it from when YL told YT bout the bodyguard, he MUST BE the past general. Now everyone’s here, where’s the answer for Xiaoxiao’s unanswered questions!!

  3. I do not know why but every time I read about one more reincarnated person with memories , I feel extreme happiness and relief

  4. I’m so happy!😄The team is back together!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!😍😍

  5. So no more new reincarnated character surprises? Wonder what made this bunch of people able to reincarnated/remember their past lives 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  6. I had a feeling it was a reincarnated person. I’m glad they have more allies – Camellia, YT’s uncle and Blair are up to no good.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  7. I knew it the general gonna come next! Hahaha so happy~

    And that lil theater, mahjong. A fixed mahjong group had to stay fixed even in the next life 😂