Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh13 - Punishment


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Translator's Note

means uncle, a term of respect for older men

Translator's Note

actually behind each name, there’s a mo, which is basically calling them ‘a certain Jiang’ but it sounds weird so I changed it to student

Translator's Note

Chinese Valentine’s Day

Translator's Note

Double Seventh day, or the Begging Festival. On the evening of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, women set up fruits in the yard, prayed to Vega and asked for help in improving their embroidery and sewing skills. It is a folk custom of the old days.

Translator's Note

he legit just laughs, that’s the laugh from the raws, I cannot even

Translator's Note

ok so valentine’s day in chinese is qingrenjie, qingren is lovers in chinese, so what Song Xiao said is ‘I don’t have a lover so how could I celebrate lover’s day’

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  1. They finally know!! I love the little theaters😍😍

    Thanks for the chapter!! 🙂

  2. These little theatres are such a treasure. I love that Song Xiao exposes that he has his old memories so quickly; no wishy washy waiting and hidding. This will make it easier for the Emperor to protect him too. Thank you!

  3. sO thEy cAn EhEHe

    I- WHEEZE- HAHAAHAHAHA jfc fishpond


    thanks for the chapter

  4. Empress xiaoxiao so smart ahhh I like little theater at the end of novel. The emperor and the empress so cute lol