Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To FarmCh201 - They Are Here

Wei Xuan opened his eyes, feeling like the whole world had a surreal quality to it.


Well, to be honest, Wei Xuan had experienced this feeling several times over the past few days. Every morning when he woke up, he had a similar sensation, though the intensity varied. Today, it seemed to be on the “intense” side.


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Turning his head, he looked at Du Hang lying beside him. Naturally, Du Hang had also awakened when Wei Xuan did, and as soon as he felt Wei Xuan move, he turned to look at him. Then, they moved closer and shared a kiss.


After the morning kiss, Wei Xuan rested his head on Du Hang’s chest, closed his eyes again to calm his mind, and then lazily opened them, lying in bed without any desire to move.


Yesterday evening, after they had finished eating meat, Du Hang had “helped” him with something… This memory made him feel a bit embarrassed, but in reality, considering they had been together since the end of the world for such a long time, just counting this lifetime, they had spent three years together. Occasional actions like this were quite normal.



It’s just that for various reasons, Wei Xuan had been hesitant to let Du Hang help him before. Over time, it had become a habit. Secondly, Wei Xuan was the one who typically played the more submissive role, and if the other party didn’t take the initiative, his introverted nature wouldn’t allow him to ask his uninformed and inexperienced lover for help.


Fortunately, it seemed that the current Du Hang had become more “understanding.”




Thinking of something, Wei Xuan raised his head to look at Du Hang’s face with a somewhat mysterious expression. Yesterday evening, because it had been a while since he had experienced that… (he rarely relieved himself before going into “long sleep”), once he had received Du Hang’s assistance, Wei Xuan had felt extremely embarrassed and had pulled Du Hang into bed to sleep, burying his head.


Now, it seemed that with the rising of the dawn, a certain desire had resurfaced in him.


So, his guilty hand slowly reached out towards a certain part of Du Hang, and then…


“…Still no response.” Wei Xuan expended a lot of effort but achieved nothing. Although the sensation in that certain area felt good, anyone would probably feel disheartened after putting in so much effort without any response, especially when it was done to someone who obviously had no clue about such things.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfl Wejc klatvgfk tlr tjcv klat j kbbvfc fzqgfrrlbc, ibbxlcu ja Ge Ljcu’r ojmf klat ugfja uelia. Ktfc, tf gfmflnfv j ibnlcu xlrr.


Mbgufa la, Ge Ljcu’r ybvs afwqfgjaegf kjr ralii rilutais ibkfg atjc tlr bkc, jcv tf tjvc’a oeiis gfujlcfv jii bo tlr tewjc lcralcmar sfa. Coafg jii, tf tjv aegcfv lcab j rfwl-hbwylf, rb tf kbeiv pera tjnf ab kjla obg Ge Ljcu ab gfmbnfg.


Wei Xuan encouraged himself in his mind, hugged his lover, and nibbled for a while before finally preparing to get up. It was only when he got up and started putting on his clothes that he suddenly realized, “Where’s my belly?”


The chubby belly he had before going to sleep last night, which looked like that of a pregnant woman, had completely disappeared!


Wei Xuan quickly ran his hand up and down his flat stomach. Well, his skin was much smoother than the back of his hand, but… where did all the food in his belly go?


Furrowing his brows and thinking for a long time, Wei Xuan could confirm that he hadn’t gotten up at all last night after falling asleep. In fact, he hadn’t relieved himself since waking up this time. So… where did all that pile of lamb meat go?


Pinching the flesh on his arms and legs, after the end of the world, due to a significant drop in living standards, the frequency of going up and down stairs, and the increased workload had left Wei Xuan with almost no fat on his body. 


His arms and legs were now covered in muscles that represented health and strength. However, despite eating so much meat the previous night, not only had the contents in his stomach disappeared, but there was also no sign of fat anywhere else on his body! This was just too unscientific!


He dressed and wandered around the bedroom, living room, kitchen, and even the bathroom, with Du Hang following him like a little tail as usual. But Wei Xuan still couldn’t find anything related to the meat he had eaten last night. He couldn’t help but scratch his head. 


“…Could it all have been digested by me?” 


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Could it be that becoming a zombie had turned his digestive system into a bottomless pit? Otherwise, where could all that stuff have gone in just one night?


However, as long as it could be truly digested after eating, and he didn’t have to carry a big belly around every day, it was all good!


Wei Xuan’s mood finally improved, and the first smile after waking up in the morning appeared on his face. Although he had been stimulated by someone’s sudden action yesterday, he had been worried about the meat in his stomach before going to sleep. Now, it seemed to have resolved itself. 


This was like a godsend for Wei Xuan—now, he could eat meat to his heart’s content without any worries! He could fully enjoy the delicious food of the world!


While Wei Xuan was in a good mood, Du Hang saw that he had stopped wandering around and, as he did every morning, brought over the snow water they both drank every day. When Wei Xuan took the water, he suddenly realized—last night, just like usual, Du Hang had brought the snow water, but at the time, he had seemed to be full and didn’t want to drink water. The fragrance emanating from the water wasn’t as attractive to him as it usually was.


“Could it be because of eating last night?” Wei Xuan had a sudden realization and handed the remaining water to Du Hang for him to drink.


The strange snow would melt into snow water and seep into the ground, but it would also mix with regular underground water and accumulated water. Even in this world, besides zombies, all the other creatures needed to drink water. Over time, the organisms should have accumulated some “energy” inside their bodies. So, when humans eat animals and plants, they can also gain this kind of energy.


Zombies, on the other hand, might not eat animals or plants, but they would eat humans and even eat the snowflakes directly when they fell. If they were smart, they might also eat the strange snow they dug out from the ground, just like their own raised zombies and underlings!


Perhaps zombies could also gain energy when they ate animal meat or plants, but the energy in those things was likely very scarce, which was why they didn’t pay much attention to them. But if they ate a sufficient quantity, it should have a similar effect!


Realizing this, Wei Xuan instantly figured out where all the meat in his stomach from last night had gone—it had been completely absorbed by him!


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“So… does that mean I can eat meat every day?” Wei Xuan nodded vigorously, then turned his gaze to the refrigerator in the living room—there was still leftover lamb meat from last night in the freezer!


Wei Xuan felt like his heart, which had obviously slowed down significantly, was once again beating vigorously and with strength. So, from now on, he could use eating as a replacement for snow water, and if he ate, he had to eat the produce and mutated animal meat that had appeared after the end of the world for it to be effective.


This way, he could focus on improving his cooking skills and prepare food in the most labor-intensive way possible, turning it into the most delicious delicacies to savor slowly. After all, he could always fill his stomach with snowflakes!


With this in mind, Wei Xuan could once again start wandering around, while also searching for various recipes and methods for certain seasonings in various bookstores.


Moreover, if he wanted to make those things, he would need to grow more crops. So, he had to figure out whether he could use snow water for irrigation and planting in the outdoor soil.

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In the neighborhood, there were various potatoes, carrots, and other crops that had grown freely under the care of his zombie minions. When Wei Xuan had just woken up and found them, he had been worried about whether there was any use for these things now that he had turned into a zombie. But now that he was sure he could absorb these foods, Wei Xuan no longer felt like it was a waste.


“Hmm… How should I cook that piece of lamb today?” Finally, in high spirits, Wei Xuan had already drunk snow water, and his stomach was full. He began to think about the lamb. Yesterday, he had tried various flavors of barbecue. Should he try a hot pot with lamb today? But before that, he had to busy himself with his zombie minions and move all the excess items out of the neighborhood.


Even if he had become a zombie, he still wanted to be a zombie with aspirations! He aspired to a higher quality of life, better-tasting food, and a better life!


Stepping out of the building, Wei Xuan finally had a sense of determination. In the past three years of his previous life and in this life, he had always lived in a state of worry. He worried about the uncertain future, about being separated from Du Hang, about being blown up along with Du Hang when humans reclaimed the city, and about mutant animals, plants, and insects suddenly appearing and fighting with his zombie minions.

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But now, he suddenly felt fearless and worry-free.


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Could it be that this was the mysterious self-confidence that all humans developed after becoming zombies? Otherwise, why would zombies, even when faced with humans armed with hot weapons and superpowers, charge forward so relentlessly?


With his imagination running wild, Wei Xuan didn’t stop these thoughts this time. Instead, he saw them as a way to exercise his intelligence and imagination. He led his zombie minions to start their work for the day.


The sound of “whoosh, whoosh, whoosh” echoed as shadows appeared from various places. They came from all directions of the city, gradually meeting each other, and then slowly moving toward a certain location in the city. Although they were scattered, if someone looked at the city from a high enough vantage point, they would see these figures resembling a tide, converging towards the center of a giant circle.


Wei Xuan was busy selecting items room by room with his zombie minions. Whenever he entered a room, he would ask whose idea it was to bring these items back. Then he would leave a few things for the zombie who had volunteered to bring them back and instruct the others to move the remaining items out and stack them in rooms in nearby neighborhoods.


After busy work for a whole morning, when he was about to return to his room to enjoy a meal of lamb hot pot and continue satisfying his cravings, he heard his zombie minions and Du Hang emitting a collective “they’re here, they’re here.”


“They’re here? Who’s here?”

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