Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh96 - Life and Death


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  1. Dammit, brother Fan!! If the Grim Reaper tells you to take care of yourself, you do it!

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️

  2. God, I have this urge to just punch Fan Ge unconscious and then drag him to the hospital. Like man please for the love of everything listen to them!!

  3. Okay, if Fan Zeng doesn’t die now I’ll be disappointed, kinda x’D Well, nice cliff we have here.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

    • Disappointed +1

      Honestly, it sounds mean but I’ll really be disappointed if Fan Zeng doesn’t kick the bucket. He’s been warned so many times, he’s an adult man who should know that a severe lack of sleep, overstimulation and stress can kill him. Not taking care of himself is not valuing his life, with all his friends, family and achievements. If you die too early, it’ll never be the same again, this reality simply doesn’t have the concept of „rebirth“.

      …Just make sure to take care of yourself. Self-love is really great, ya know?

  4. Fan Zeng is really asking for it. Like I get his mindset but dear god after being warned so many times he’s still so nonchalant.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. How many warning does it take to get Fan Ge to take his health seriously? Clearly, far too many 😭 I hope he’ll be ok!!

    Thank you for the chapter \(^‿^)/

  6. ong- the suspense .. old man if u die, then i rly can’t say we didn’t try tp prevent it .. u’ve been warned by ur peers for a while now .. sighh

  7. i’m worried that he won’t do well now… he’s thinking too much…he’s been around living humans for too long… ai…