Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh95 - He’s Not The Same


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  1. I can already imagine how Lu Xu teleports over in black clothes with his scythe resting on his shoulder, looking casual but frightening in the dark hallway as he coolly looks at Fan Zeng and says with his usual smile, „I told you to rest more.“

    Tsk, tsk, sleep isn’t a luxury, it is a basic bodily need like breathing, eating and going to the toilet. Suppressing your natural urges leads to a truck-load of health issues. Why can’t he understand? Editing the show is important, but if he dies halfway through it won’t be able to continue to air, right?

    Also, Nian ge not getting Lu Xu is a reaper is… silly. In a cute way. It also seems to entertain Lu Xu, though at the moment our Master Grim Reaper’s feelings towards Nian ge should be more like being fond on Ba Mei…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Okay Fan Zeng, what do you want more? A visit to the hospital or a surprise visit from LX? lolol

    And why was that scene with the evil spirit kinda funny? xD

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  3. Oh no, it’s come, I hope he can be saved! Ji Xiunian is (along with Ba Mei, maybe) a bit of a glitch, right? I really want them to be able to do something, aren’t there too many chapters left for a reveal now anyway? Lu Xu still hasn’t been able to properly debut in center position! Fan Zeng, don’t go, let Ji Xiunian call an ambulance for you already

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  4. Hmm I have a feeling that Ji Xiunian is going to be able to save Fan Ge from death since they made his death flags so obvious and Lu Xu might understand something about Ji Xiunian’s weird situation through that. Just a guess tho.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Is Ba Mei gonna claw at the dark spirit? Or is Lu Xu going to solve this? …or is Fan Zeng really going to die? QAQ