Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh13 - A Secret That Wasn’t a Secret


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Translator's Note

literally ‘act like an ostrich’

Translator's Note

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  1. Everyone, I’ve got a secret to tell you but you cant tell anyone else. 🤫 whole ghost world knows within an hour

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. pfttt who needs water armies if we have a GHOST FLEET?

    thank you for the chapter (ϋ)/♩

  3. Lu Xu can’t be human. He’s too pretty. Are grim reapers human? When will we see Ji Xiunian again? The potential issies of debuting in an idol group seem so trivial compared to life and death matters. Maybe Lu Xu can sing F4 ghost songs in his next performance. Give him some recognition that way. Thanks for the update.

  4. “Recommend this powder brand to me, it seems pretty good…huh?” I get an ad for setting powder scrolling down? this is either witchcraft or marketing

  5. “Recommend this powder brand to me, it seems pretty good…huh?” I get an ad for setting powder scrolling down? this is either witchcraft or marketing?

  6. Omg the ghosts are so cute💕 www

    Look at how they’re sharing a secret! And other thing!!!Cuteness overloaded💖✨💓✨💞✨