Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh12 - Ghost Realm’s F4


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Translator's Note

the famous four good-looking guys from boys over flowers or any of its 238490234 adaptations

Translator's Note

big bro

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  1. Wow the F4 and Boys Over Flowers, it’s been so long since I’ve heard about them hahaha!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  2. Tao Yingbo is so pitiful! I actually felt sad for him. Those people who stole his composition should rot in hell! :<

    Thank you for the great translation ♥️

  3. Error: About that song writer ghost, first it says he died 20 years ago and then it says 10 years ago.

    Thank you for picking up such a funny novel! 💕

    • haha good catch! unfortunately, this was an error in the original text. the author has so many inconsistencies (and typos…) in her text that we’ve lowkey just given up on fixing them because it would be impossible to keep track of oops 😭

  4. Hello cael and mao, thanks for your hard work.

    My nickname is Haru, I just found this story and read it to the last chapter, and it’s very interesting. So, i want to ask your permission for re-translate this story into Indonesian and post it on my wattpad account, May i? Of course I will add your credit and the web link, so people can read your other translations.

    I will wait for your reply. Stay safe 💙

    • Hi Haru! Thank you for asking us 🙂 Unfortunately, cael and I are deciding to not allow translations for this novel based off of our english translation. Since this is a multi-person translation project with a lot of editing needed to keep everything consistent and the novel itself has a lot of typos and inconsistencies in the original that we haven’t fixed in the translation, we feel like there will be too much lost in translation if it’s retranslated from our translation. Thank you for asking though, we really appreciate it! Stay safe too 💙

      • Yaahh, but it’s okay, and thanks for replying to me. And more, I can’t wait for the next chapter hihihi, I already miss Xiao Gege. Fighting 💙

  5. XD poor guy with soap in his EYES must sting so much orz

    thanking you for the chapter (◕ᴗ◕✿)

  6. Stan F4. Stan Ba Mei. I hope those poor ghosts get justice. Lu Xu will have his work cut out for him. I’m a little surprised that Xu Haoming didn’t think Lu Xu was pranking him. Maybe they’ll become friends! Thanks for the update!