PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh57 - [/ smile]


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Translator's Note

very sticky medicine

Translator's Note

a stratagem that happened in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and also is used to talk about a man and woman meeting secretly under the cover of something else

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  1. Pft haha big boss u sure are really cute

    Poor yanyan

    And the crossover fanfic was really good😊 (although I haven’t read the other book yet…)

  2. The cat is out of the bag! But I find it really surprising that Yi Ran has been able to survive that long with his inability to keep his mouth shut… Is that fool’s luck?

    Thank you very much for the chapter! ❤

  3. Boss Yi eating so much vinegar yet not understanding☺️

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  4. That “[/ smile]” is overflowing with vinegar ah. I can smell it through the screen of my phone xD

    Ahhhh can’t wait for them to meet face to face kyaaa

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Finally! Also can someone hit Boss Yi on the head for me, so that he stops being sooo dense.

    Thanks for bringing us another lovely chapter! I’m going to read the fic now <3

  6. Many thanks for the update!

    And here I thought Yi Chen would realize his feelings already but nope XD XD XD

  7. Lol boss Yi 🤣🤣🤣 and Yanyan too 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  8. Yanyan finally knew lmaoooo

    And he both know about Boss Yi thinking that he’ll come to meet him and about when they actually mrt looool

    Double shots!!

    Thank you for the chapterXDD

  9. Aahhh Boss Yi not knowing–and not even understanding what it was he was feeling–what to do about his extreme disappointment at not meeting Yanyan /patpat

    And using sarcastic emoticons lololol

    Boss Yi, when will you finally get a clue?? Poor Yanyan’s heartstrings are getting tugged all over the place

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. TAON SI BOSS YI HAHA it’s sweet it’s sweet… i can smell the reveal from here now…

    thanks for the chapter!

  11. Ohh Yi Ran, aren’t you afraid that you will be beaten to death by your ge? Haha~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  12. Boss Yi – wants to feed Yanyan, already built him a streaming nest, drinks vinegar for no reason, looks forward to meeting him etc. …

    Boss Yi – the person who doesn’t realize that he likes a certain someone lol

    Aaaaaah, Yi Ran spilled the beans ahahaha. Good thing he is already back home or Boss Yi would kick him out of the house lolol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  13. Lmao Boss yi throwing a vinegar tantrum and asking to be coaxed with the /smile emot. He also somehow tricked yanyan into agreeing to go to the gala so they can meet :3

  14. I love Yi Ran’s loose mouth! HAHA that’s right, your Ge is keeping too much secrets, expose him 😂

    I find it really weird though that Yu Yan just let it passed like that and didn’t even bother to confirm who really sent him back to the hotel….

  15. Reading it for a second time and now i finally want to comment Yi Ran you and your big mouth is just so good😂

  16. damn, yi ran do be a professional wingman lmao, nd i cant stop thinking the identity of LX online “gf” dhshxhsjdf i might be wrong tho but….

  17. Why do i feel the embarrassment for boss yi, xiao ran ahhhhhhh 😭😭 why did you talk, now I want to run away

  18. I was so engrossed with the fan fic 😂 I almost forgot that I still haven’t finished this yet.