PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh58 - Crossed then drew far away, once again positioned opposite each other.


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Translator's Note

the term in Harry Potter used for non-magical people, here being used in a slang fashion to refer to the fact that Yi Ran chooses to play more in the virtual world than pay attention to real life

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  1. Yanyan is crashing down!! But his game is fiercer now! Hehehe.

    And RIP Yi Ran, he’s gonna feed the sharks, 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Hahah Yi Ran, you are really going to be killed by your ge soon!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. Yanyan went on berserk mode while having an internal melt down is so cool tho 🥺❤️✨

    But now he’s trying to drift away from Boss Yi loool

    Time to redeem yourself then 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter~

  4. Noooo, don’t feed Yi Ran to the sharks! 😭 What did the sharks do to you to subject them to such a miserable fate?

  5. Poor Yanyan 😟 He is probably dying from embarrassment and the fact that Boss Yi treated him coldly after that time sure doesn’t help.

    Thanks for the chapter and your hard work <3

  6. Thank you so much for the chapter~~

  7. At this point if there were a way to legally throw Yi Ran into the sea to feed the sharks he really would do it 😂😂😂😂 that happens to him for opening his big mouth, he’s really so so clueless
    Thanks for the chapter! 💖