PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh45 - The game is almost done


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Translator's Note

literally, a dead duck has the hardest beak

Translator's Note

literally, final ring of the gong

Translator's Note

literally, blocked out the heavens with a palm

Translator's Note

Divi: As in, programs and scripts run on your computer (client-side) shouldn’t affect the things running on PUBG’s servers (server-side). Many people edit client-side data and it uses information/data sent from the PUBG servers to modify their gameplay (only their EXE), but it doesn’t affect anyone else’s gameplay. W5oNhp

If just running a bot could cause gameplay for everyone to be affected, they’re basically injecting data into the server/code (and attacking it) and possibly means they can extract other potential data (like personal information). If the company actually allowed something like that, it’s real dangerous.

Translator's Note

Divi: Fun fact: Maintenance happens for all servers at the same time and it happens weekly for 3-4+ hours WDXIus

It’s Tuesday night in North America, from like 8-10 p.m, so it’s 8-9 a.m in China servers.

Translator's Note

Divi: An example of a common hand (Ping Hu) in the official scoring rules: 48pwdC

An all-chows hand with four sequences (4 sets of 3 consecutive numbers) and number tile pair.

The hand is only worth 2 points as opposed to like, 88 points for the Big Four Winds or Big Three Dragons hands

The bigger the points the more payout you get.

There are like so many different types of scoring so points may vary.

Translator's Note

Divi: In English, most people declare “Mahjong” when you have a “winning hand” and want to end the game. zCB72h

In Chinese, some people say “胡” [hu](which is calling out a that they have a winning hand)

Translator's Note

Divi:Mahjong has 4 walls, 17 (or 18 with flowers & seasons) tiles stacked in 2, so 34 (36) tiles per wall.

Translator's Note

Divi:You get different amounts of points if you pick up a discarded tile versus drawing a tile, that’s why Yu Yan most likely wanted to draw it since there were only 36 tiles left, probably (and you take note of what has been discarded and revealed)

Translator's Note

Divi:So from what it looks like, he completed any of these hands (without the last part he needed):

1. Little Four Winds
2. Little Three Dragons
3. All Honors
4. Big Four Winds

The author was extremely vague about any of the full hands, and only mentioned the “honor sets/big value tiles” but didn’t say the actual name of the hand that Yu Yan got. So she’s probably also not that knowledgeable about mahjong herself. iJEGeY

In poker terms, it’s equivalent to saying that Yu Yan got a hand of 10 J K Q A with all the same suits, instead of saying a Royal Flush…

Translator's Note

Divi:Normally extremely very hard to get the hand that he got, hence it’s worth so many points. He most likely either had all the honor tiles in his set, and just needed a pair of something else which completed on self-drawn.

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  1. Boss Yi is dat youu? Are you okay? Perhaps the ‘distancing’ made you muddle headed.

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. “angle that was too illegal.” GOLD. eyes gleam Boss Yi, the unconsciously tempting.

    Haha Yi Ran’s conclusion about the cats name is so funny and somewhat true.

    Wow! I can’t believe that notices about another persons livestream will happen if the person gifting is super important in your own livestream…

    But what a shock for Yanyan…. QAQ

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. I can’t wait for this banana to be dealt with. So troublesome!

    Boss Yi, you changes that name of cat but its not really helping your distancing plan.

    Thanks for the chapter.


  4. His honor sets!!!

    Yi Chen doesn’t want to tease Yanyan anymore and he changed the cat’s name and now he’s even giving gifts to another anchor? Ugh.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Boss Yi’s back and forth gives me anxiety ffffff My heart cannot take this type of ml ignoring the mc angst. Why does this author love to use this so much? Yanyan and I did nothing wrong QAQ This is one of the few times that the gong is the one who can’t properly figure out his feelings and it hurts ;;;;; Weren’t you the one so affectionately spoiling him in the beginning Boss Yi??? The man who could not allow his little anchor any unhappiness? We feel very very wronged.

    Thanks for the chapter (┳_┳)

  6. !! Boss Yi, what are you doing?? Just because you were jealous doesn’t mean you should run off with other people!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  7. Why is boss so afraid of/in denial about being with xiao yan plus.. why must you distance yourself, thinking that will help you and/or Xiao yan?! Bosssss you dummy !!! 😭 He is panicking and running.. but you’re also hurting our (your) baby!! I’m so sad… my heart hurts for our baby waahhh

  8. 😑😑😑 ML’s hot and cold routine giving me whiplash….he started to spoil yanyan by himself, then decided yanyan likes him by himself and decided to ‘distance’ from him all by his own inflated self ughhh…isn’t he supposed to be a mature logical president who’s heading up a freakin conglomerate or something? excpt he’s been displaying childish, immature behaviors since that night club… sincerely hoping this isn’t accepted behavior that’s going to continue throughout the story…yanyan’s been too sincere to deserve this….

    Anyways, tysm for the update translator-nim!

  9. THAT





    And those conversation tho lol. Yanyan wants to find female cat just made Boss Yi paused lolololololol

    Wait to see the backstory from Boss *hold knife

    Than, you for the chapter~

  10. This is really not okay for him to do this 😭 at least he should use other account doing that idk yanyan doesn’t deserve this IM CRYING

  11. Boss Yi, you adulterer! That’s considered cheating! Though it probably was Yi Ran, or maybe Boss clicked on a wrong icon? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  12. My heart suddenly stopped beating. Y do people do this? Talk to them frankly. Don’t leave them hanging or expecting. 💔💔💔 im brokenhearted.