PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh44 - Nearly died on the toilet


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Translator's Note

Chinese 911

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a whole month

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14,300 usd

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Song link here

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honorable you

Translator's Note

honorable you

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sounds like I love you in Chinese

Translator's Note

literally, covered the heavens with his palm

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  1. Can’t wait for banana and laoshu to be exposed! I feel so annoyed that the admins are covering for then but that’s how it works even in real life.

    Thank you for the chapter!❤️

  2. Ah now I get it. So boss Yi isn’t a direct boss of operations for StarTV he’s sort of like the big boss investor that hold final say but he isn’t normally involved with how it runs. Would he do anything about all these backdoor schemes or just let it be since it makes money?

  3. Lol Yi Ran, what kind of rot you filled your head with? Let me have some 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. Yi Ran, the things that you are thinking, it will only happen at later times. Boss Yi and Yanyan still has a long way to go!

    Thanks for the chapter~ 😁

  5. I hope banana & co will get what is coming to them >__< And Yi Ran will tease Boss Yi after this? Haha~

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  6. Yi Ran’s train of thought is so funny. He totally misunderstood it lol.

    Heh lets see what they will do once Yi Chen found that someone in the higher ups are using their position to increase banana’s popularity.

    Thanks for the chapter

  7. Yi Ran is such a gossipy Child! And his mind is impure!! Hahahaha ha.

    Ugh. Those famous anchors can be celebrating now, but you Just wait for Yi Chen’s final blow. He won’t let his Yanyan defenseless!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Ahahha Yi Ran, how could you think like that?! You are sullying the image of your Ge and the innocent yanyan~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  9. As a project manager, I want to slap the yes man. The overbearing chairman asked for 1 week and you didn’t even haggle aiyooo~ automatically thinking to do OT!!! Incompetent ah!

  10. How can your words be so ambiguous, YY!😂

    Yes, if banana dares to go against our YY, YC will help him. Because this staying away plan surely isn’t going great.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  11. Yo ran get your mind out of the gutter! Our babies are still in denial stage!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  12. Why are the admins acting like that? Are they blind or what? What do they call what those streamers did if not slandering their fellow anchors? I hope their ceo hears about this and removes them.

  13. Is the LoL anchor their talking about in the past chapters’ Road?? Oh i miss them!! 😖