PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh38 - He didn’t even have the words “meet an online friend” in his dictionary.


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Translator's Note

literally plugging his ears to steal a bell, self deception

Translator's Note

Divi: The actions of getting up, crawling, or crouching makes sounds. So any type of movement makes a noise.

Translator's Note

so if we were literally translating, it should be Golden Seat or Jingzhuo, but I thought the anglicized Ginza sounded more like a trendy nightclub name, so that’s what I went with

Translator's Note

Divi: MK47 (Mutant):

It’s an assault rifle that starts out with a magazine round capacity of 20 bullets (all other ARs start out with 30) and you can make it 30 with an extended mag. (but the other ARs would get 40).

The bullet velocity (how fast it travels across the distance) is very poor, so the damage drops off quickly for farther distances.

Translator's Note

Divi: Most other ARs, feel a recoil after 6-8 shots. With the MK47, you can shoot 10 shots before recoil even starts, and even then, it’s just a small shift.

Translator's Note

Divi: The Beryl M762:
It’s absolutely comparable to the AKM, it has a fire shooting rate with lower damage…. and a lower recoil, but, you can attach a foregrip to reduce it even more. It has 3 shooting modes: full auto, single-fire and 3-shot burst compared to AKM’s unique fire mode and full auto.

Basically, if you shoot a lot, the M762 is better for you. If you’re good at shooting and handling recoil, the AKM is better because it has slightly more damage per shot.

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note


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  1. “It’s impossible to meet an online friend”

    Welp, that’s because you’re meeting your future lover, not an online friend. ✧( •˓◞•̀ )

    Thanks for the chapter~ ♡

  2. I hope nothing bad happens to Yanyan at the nightclub! Yi Chen, get some courage and ask your anchor out!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. I dunno about Mo Nancheng… Sure, he’s funny, but he’s also cringeworthy (and at least for me the latter outweighs the former).

    And Boss Yi, you coward! Won’t you regret not seeing your cute Yanyan?!

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  4. Yi Chen is only interested in Yanyan… Of course he won’t accept some random boy.

    Are they going to meet up at the club?! I bet they Will.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Ah so they won’t meet each other? Or they gonna meet accidentally?

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  6. All that thinking of Yanyan as cute…

    Do you realized yet that you have fallen for him??? щ(ಠ益ಠщ)

    No? No??!!


    But fate will bring you together heh

    Thank you for the chapter~

  7. they’re definitely going to run into each other at the nightclub. boss yi will recognize him and yanyan won’t know unless he says something, so he better say something. 🙃

  8. Ahhhh I just bought the novels even though I can’t read Chinese! Hope the order went well I was confused lol

    Been binge reading and hooked on this novel!

    Thank you for the chapters! And the link for the books!

  9. No, no. Although it’s dangerous to meet strangers without any consideration, you can still meet like-minded people in a safe setting. When I was schooling in Singapore, I met a translator of a BL novel I was reading at that time. He visited Singapore to sightsee and asked the readers if they were interested in a meet-up. I picked him up at the train station and showed him various shopping streets, department stores, Chinatown, Buddhist temples, mosques and tea shops. We even went to sing karaoke on the day he left, haha!

    Pick public places first and just trust your instincts later.