PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh37 - There was no cat in today’s video call


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Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

younger female cousin

Translator's Note

68 F

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  1. Hahaha the birthday event is now just an excuse to visit Yanyan~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  2. You just confined he’s in manyang but you just say you are traveling “somewhere”? 😏 😏

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. I just cant stop smiling

    Thanks for the update

  4. Hehe Yi Chen, go meet up with Yanyan~! Aaaa Yanyan in the middle of the shower, Yi Chen, wasn’t a feast for the eyes?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. okay so the uncle doesn’t know his sexuality but I feel like the aunt has an idea since she changes the topic every time the husband brings up wife/marriage/kids/girlfriend. I hope they’re supportive since he doesn’t have too much family..

  6. Buuuut would Yanyan be willing to met with Yi Chen? It’s too soon, I think.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. thank you for the chapter! Will the cat appear again? It would be funny if he brought the cat with him in the trip :3c

  8. So smooth lol

    His uncle is an adult

    Yi chen cough is also cough an adult.

    Cheer up soon Yanyan!

    Yanyan’s daddy is coming to town—-

    Thank you for the chapter☺️💕💕

  9. Hopefully Yanyan will bounce back from his bout of depression quickly. Maybe meeting Boss Yi would help… 😏

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕

  10. Now Boss Yi has no reason anymore not to attend the birthday party, since it’s the same city Yanyan lives in xDDD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  11. Hello. I would like to say that 吗, 吧,啊 and 啦 are untranslatable particles, there is absolutely no need to translate them and that literally no one else translates them, neither professional translators nor other fan translators. Not only it’s grammatically incorrect to translate them, but it also looks bad and interferes with reading. Please consider stopping doing that. 先谢了。

    • Excuse me, but Zryuu/Dmlations also did use them, and I like them as an effect. Other people like them as well, and since I’m the one translating, I will continue to add them, thank you very much.

      • hi, sorry for butting in, and sorry for the rude comment. As a non native english speaker, I really like how you keep the particles. I can’t really explain it, but they really do add a different feel to the athmosphere, so I am really glad you keep it 😊