PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh39 - Are you there?


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Translator's Note

Divi: This is yuan, so it’s around 140k usd for the bare minimum 7 figures.

I’d imagine they are watches like this:
watch si07DI

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

That watch is 245k for 18 karat gold and 333k for the diamond studded one.

Ktfrf batfg rfa bo kjamtfr:


Are around 90 – 200k USD (the top most ones)

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

Divi: For those who don’t know, the bowl is part of the wine glass and is the cup part that contains the liquid. If Yi Chen is holding from the stem, he’s rubbing at the bowl.


Translator's Note

a drinking game, specifically this one

Translator's Note

literally deserting on the eve of battle

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  1. Back off girl! Yanyan is only for that guy sitting creeepily behind him. Hehe.

    Finally lahhhh~ They’re gonna meet!!

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

  2. And so, they’re in the same room. Interesting how Yanyan picked him out of a crowd to notice, without even knowing that’s Boss Yi.

  3. But will they actually meet? Or will Yi Chen just continue to sit and watch Yanyan from the dark?

    😱 Creepy… (not really 😂). I just hope nothing bad happens because of Li Hang.

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  4. Ah, nervous, ah!!! This makes me all fiddly and giddy, I want them to trun around, look at each other, lock eyes and then our little anchor will be like… „1?“ and Boss Yi will be like „Mhm“ and ahhhhhhhhh!!! 😂😖☺❣

    Ah… Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. Hahaha yep he should thank the birthday man for this spontaneous first meet up!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  6. I forgot Yanyan hadn’t seen Yi Chen’s face and I was dissapointed when he didn’t recognize him. Buuut Yi Chen is going to compensate for that, for sure. Is he going to talk to him in the ear or send him a message: ‘turn around’ 😍

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Omg they ARE gonna meet properly and like see each other’s faces properly (i mean yy finally seeing boss 1’s face) I wonder if anything will happen to Yanyan in his area bc that dude seems malicious when he asked him to stay there

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  8. Its their first ever meeting face to face even if one of them is not aware.

    I feel like this LH guy will cause trouble.

  9. lmao it is indeed creepy, I’m just glad he didn’t send that text message to Yu Yan where he’s about to say he’s in Manyang’. It’s like they went there to intentionally find him, if that were any other they might be given a fright that someone from the internet was suddenly near their place.