PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh15 - Do you know why you’re so noob?


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Translator's Note

voice con energy that just appeared

Translator's Note

Divi: So PUBG is available on PC, Xbox & PS4 in 2016-2017, this is considered the ‘end game version’ but was also released on mobile in 2018.

In the mobile version of PUBG there is no friendly fire through guns, you can only hurt your teammates through grenades. So in every other version of PUBG there is friendly fire, you will damage your teammates if you shoot at them.

Translator's Note

Link here

Translator's Note

Like, map pins, not the drawing markers.

Translator's Note

Divi: By the time this novel was published, in 2018, the patch in PUBG had already made it so that you can only find LVL 3 helmets in airdrops only! 1 per airdrop!!

So Yanyan is right to suspect he has a good gun too.

Translator's Note

Divi: When you use any type of consumable item, you have an animation time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Energy drinks have a 4 second animation before you can move after you initiate the drink.

Translator's Note

Divi: See that tiny guy running through the sight?

holographic sight

Yeah… Holographic sights are best used for close combat!

Translator's Note

Divi: It takes 10 seconds to revive someone, so you’d have to be in a position where you aren’t getting fired at for 10 whole seconds…

Translator's Note

Divi: [E] hotkey to make your character peek right when you’re behind cover. Only exposes your head.

Translator's Note

Divi: Yanyan is most likely strafing his movements by using the [A]-[D] keys to become a moving target as he’s reloading. You can reload and constantly press A-D to move back and forth so you aren’t standing in one spot.

Translator's Note

Divi: The best way to rescue someone who is knocked down, if you’re not behind a wall already, is to throw a smoke grenade to buy some time to revive them! Since it’ll make it hard for the enemy to see you within the grenade, but since you’re not shooting you’ll be able to see your downed teammate in the grenade with an outline.

Translator's Note

Divi: He’s saying to use all the boosting consumables, which are the painkillers, adrenaline syringe and energy drinks. 5wEZ7q

In PUBG there are two bars, a boost bar and a health bar. Boost is your health regeneration and movement speed. When you get hit your health does not automatically regenerate, so the only way to heal is to use boosts or first aid kits/med kits.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The boost bar is the 4 sectioned yellow/orange bars on the top of the white health bar. When you have a boost bar, you will heal a % of health every x seconds.

The first bar lasts 1 minute, heals 1% health every 8 seconds = total 7% hp deZYi1

The second bar is 2 minutes, heals 2% every 8 seconds = 30% hp

The third bar lasts 1 minute 30 s, provides 2.5% movement speed + 3% hp per 8 seconds = 33.75% hp

The fourth bar lasts 30 seconds, gives 6.2% movement speed, heals 4% every 8 seconds = 16% hp .

So it’s pretty useful to use all these things preemptively before you battle. wdj9WN

You can stack the effects until you get to the 4th bar.

Translator's Note

Divi: Your voice channel can be set to all (everyone around you), team (just your team) or off.

Translator's Note

Divi: The kill reports on the top right corner on the screen.

Translator's Note

meaning one can’t avoid one’s enemy as much as one wants to

Translator's Note

meaning that you’ve been walking in the dark, so you’re bound to meet ghosts or meet bad things.

Translator's Note

Divi: Smoke grenades last 45 seconds before it just disappears completely.

Translator's Note

Divi: In PUBG there are 3 different types of aim modes:

1) Hit fire, no aim, regular shooting with no focus using the unzoomed cursor. You can run as you shoot.
2) Aim fire, this is triggered by holding down the right mouse button as you aim. This results in a more focus cross sight, but it’s pretty hard to hit with after 50m.

The black outline would be the hit fire crosshair, while the red outline would be the “focused” crosshair when you hold RMB. LpdqSj

3) Aim down sight (ADS) is when you right click once and toggle your scope.

The advantage to using aim fire is it doesn’t have a delay when you switch to aim, so you can do it while rushing in like yanyan did here. If you toggle the scope there’s an animation delay.

Translator's Note

Divi: Ahaha, he tried to open his scope, getting locked in that delay animation while trying to aim.

Translator's Note

Divi: Noob as in weak, poor skill

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  1. Ahhh Yanyan is so cool when playing but also so cute when fanboying 😁😁

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. This laoshu is so busy digging pits for himself! Calling the boss of the company he works for a rich fool, insulting another anchor… No self-preservation instinct whatsoever!

    P.S. Badass Yanyan is super cute

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. His personality did a complete flip the moment his boss was killed. lol

    Thanks for the chapter! And thanks for the notes too, I don’t play a lot of multiplayer games so translators that put additional notes explaining the terminology are the best.

  4. YANYAN SO COOL > v <,,))ノ


    And also, as a *cough* voice con? I never use this word but I’ll go with it lol Voice con myself, I understand Yanyan alot and really, Boss going “Headshot” and “Dead”..I could imagine Yanyan going like “DAMAGED”

    Thank you for the updates XD For someone who doesn’t play PUBG, I aporeciate the notes alot!

  5. Thanks for the chapter! Yanxyan , roast that chicken !


    BTW I love Divis detailed notes <3 thanks for them!

  6. Ps: that 35…40.. I thought he was counting the bullets from the magazine, because that guy has to reload after… maybe yanxyan is that amazing? :p i dunno. didnt know smoke lasted 45s, thats freaking long!

  7. Ahh so ruthless~ Big boss, do you hear that? Someone is (trying to) bully your favourite little anchor~ Ban him! He cheats!

    Thank you for translating~

  8. Yanyan has dominated by Yi Chen’s voice, but that wasn’t enough to make him forget his skills and he got revenge!! Ha. So satisfying.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. I really can’t imagine how hard it would be if I suddenly hear such in the middle of a game (not that I play any shooting pc game) I’d be soooooo distracted. Props to the cutie that he can still focus in game (๑♡⌓♡๑)

  10. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! So badass!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  11. I read ALL of the notes carefully 😭 thank you so much divi! I love reading esports/gaming novels esp danmei but i gotta admit this has got to be the first time where I’m pretty confident to say that I understand clearly the game jajsjdjdmfjfjdk everything just seems so clear! Aahhh thank you to you guys for all the effort!

  12. As someone who has never played PUBG, I just want to thank Divi so much for the footnotes. They really make the novel so much easier and more enjoyable to read.

  13. If Yanyan was real, I bet hed be a massive fan of Corpse. Thank you translator Divi for the notes!! I don’t play PUBG so it was really helpful!


    Thank you for the chapter! 💖🌸