PreyCh28 - Familial Relationships

“Okay. Ares will be sleeping for a bit. While he’s still out we’ll check our system for his info and then we’ll check you guys out. Sounds good?” Grant said as he looked around the room.


The group were in a room in the OPA care center. Ares was sleeping quietly on the bed, only light snores coming from him. Kloh sat on the chair closest to his bed. He nodded his agreement and continued to monitor Ares. Noe and Simon nodded from where they sat on the smaller guest bed. The room was styled more as a minimalist bedroom than a hospital room. Other than the bed Ares was on, there was a couch where Grant sat with a tablet. He has one of those adjustable table stands. The smaller bed where Noe and Simon were. In front of Grant was a small table. And in the corner was a desktop and swivel chair. The room was covered in a soft green color that made propped comfortable. Other than the beeping of the heart monitor connected to Ares, there were no other sounds in the room. Noe and Simon had been silently looking at Kloh then looking away when he looked up. After he explained the stories as quickly as he could on the ride there, the two had huddled together to process the information.


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“Alrighty, I found Ares’s account. His point of contact is his sister Persephone and his brother Kloh.” Grant glanced at Kloh as he spoke.


Kloh blinked. He hadn’t known that Ares had added him to the contact list. He knew Persephone was there. But him? It must’ve been a recent addition.


“I already texted her. She’ll be here in an hour or so.” Kloh told him.



“Good. We’ll go over the plan of action once she gets here.”


“Sounds good.”


“Okay next, are you all comfortable with me sharing your information with everyone else in the room? Or would you prefer to be tested separately?” Although he spoke to everyone he mainly looked at Simon and Noe, the two omegas.


“We can do it here.” Simon replied.


“It’s fine. We made the accounts together anyway. We all know what the other put down.” Noe explained with a small smile.


“What they said.” Kloh added.


Grant glanced between the three for a moment then smiled.


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“What a sweet group of friends. Okay I’ll start with Simon then.”


They watched as he pressed several buttons on his tablet. He asked Simon to spell his last name, confirm his birthday and phone number. He stood and rummaged through the cabinets before pulling out a machine. He set it onto the table. Then he pulled out a box of gloves and a bottle of gel. He pulled the swivel chair over and turned to face them.


“Alright Simon, if you could come over here for a moment.” Grant waved Simon over.

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Noe squeezed his hand a bit before he hopped off the bed and went over to Grant. He took a seat in the chair. Then Grant started to explain the test process. This was a test they’d all taken when they first differentiated. It tested the pheromone level plus the gland health. It wasn’t anything intrusive but could provoke pheromone leaks which is why people usually did it without the opposite secondary sex in the room.


“First I’ll do the gland test. You’ll feel some cool gel on the gland. Please bear with it for a moment.” Grant spoke softly as he finished setting up the sonogram-like machine.


He pulled on gloves and finished putting gel on the probe. Simon ducked his head to expose the omega gland hidden at the back of his neck. A small chill ran through as the cold gel pressed on the back of his neck. It took a bit of fiddling with the machine before a clear image showed on the screen. Not that Kloh or Noe knew exactly what they were looking at. But after several minutes of Grant clicking things and moving the probe around, he declared the gland to be normal. Everyone sighed in relief. Grant efficiently wiped Simon’s neck and the probe clean.


“Now for the pheromone test. All you have to do is release your pheromones. The machine will do the rest.” He explained with a small and took a thermometer gun shaped item.


He held it about an inch away from Simon’s gland. He calibrated it for a moment then instructed Simon to release his pheromones. Simon took a small breath then relaxed. A moment later a cool refreshing coconut scent that Kloh and Noe recognized as Simon, filled the room. It wasn’t too strong but still to some degree poked at Kloh’s alpha instincts. Fortunately it was manageable. After three minutes the machine beeped and Grant once again gave Simon a pass.


“You’re all good. Come on down Noe.”


“Thanks.” Simon grinned at him before getting up.


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He high-fived Kloh before joining Noe who gave him a little hug. Then Noe got down and went over to the makeshift testing area. Once he had Noe spell his last name, confirm his birthday and phone number. Afterwards he took some time to sanitize the equipment he used before testing Noe. The process was the same, as were the results. Noe also got a pass. He smiled widely at Grant as he said his thanks. Like Simon he high-fived Kloh before heading over to join Simon.


“Last but not least, Kloh.” Grant winked at him.


Kloh smiled and patted Ares’s hand before getting up and going over. Once again Grant sanitized the equipment before getting it ready for Kloh.


“Spell your last name please.”


“A-N-D-E-R-S” Kloh easily replied. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Jbcolgw sbeg ylgatvjs.”


“Zjs 19, WWWW”


“Xgfja. Ccv sbeg qtbcf cewyfg?”




“Qbcvfgoei. Rbk bcab atf afra. P’w rajgalcu cbk.” 


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Bibt ofia j mbiv ildelv rilvf jmgbrr tlr cfmx jcv rtlnfgfv. Cr atf qgbyf qgfrrfv vbkc tf yla tlr ilq jr atf qgbyf jqqilfv qgfrregf ab tlr ralii gfijalnfis cfk jiqtj uijcv. Ciatbeut tf, jcv bmmjrlbcjiis Gfz, abemtfv la, atfs’v cfnfg jqqilfv qgfrregf bg qijsfv klat la atf kjs Bibt vlv klat Gfz’r uijcv.


“Alright. It looks a bit inflamed but that could just be due to the fact that you only differentiated not too long ago.” Grant told him as he continued to move the probe around. “Hmmmm it’s actually a bit bigger than the usual alpha gland. But again you’re still new.”


“If that wasn’t a factor what would be the conclusion?” Simon asked from the side.


“Hmmm well. Let’s check the pheromone levels first.” Grant said, then wiped Kloh’s neck clean.


He put away the probe after cleaning it and lifted the pheromone detector. After being promoted Kloh released just a small amount of pheromones in order to not affect or agitate the omegas in the room. Not even a full minute in, the detector started beeping wildly.


“Interesting.” Grant muttered to himself then spoke to Kloh. “You can stop now.”


“Interesting? What’s interesting?” Noe questioned as he stared at the detector trying to read it from where he sat.


He first looked at Kloh, who had turned to observe him. “Do you care if I explain with everyone in here?”


“I’d tell them anyway. Please go ahead.” Kloh waved his hand.


Grant nodded and turned to answer Noe.


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“Interesting as in Kloh needs to do a third test to confirm that his rut is approaching.”




While Kloh was taken out to do a blood test, Ares’s older sister Persephone, Seph as she prefers, arrived. She took over watching him and signing the necessary paperwork to admit for the duration of his heat as Ares had requested in his care plan. Since the blood work would take some time, Kloh convinced Noe and Simon to go back home. They only left after making Kloh swear on his life that he’d answer all of their questions after the situation had passed.


“Thanks for taking care of him, Kloh. I really appreciate it.” Seph hugged his shoulder.


“Of course. He’s my friend. All of us would do anything for him.” He smiled and leaned into the hug despite the little aggressive tingling feeling in the back of his head when he got a whiff of Seph’s pheromones.


Like Kloh, Seph was an alpha. Three years older, she looked just like Ares but with even longer hair and a more masculine feel. Where Ares was pretty, she was handsome. If it wasn’t for the obvious age disparity they could pass off as twins. In her usual style of faded jeans, tight crop tops and combat boots, she had taken off her leather jacket, which was for the bike club that she actually belonged to. Also which Kloh and the group of Os found so freaking cool. She had three piercings in each ear, a nose piercing, nipple piercings that they accidentally discovered when they accidentally walked into her room once, and a tattoo of the symbols of Ares and Persephone on her forearm. She was the coolest that he had ever met. In his eyes Beau was just a regular ole guy. She was what Kloh and all the Os wanted in an alpha when they were high school.


And the best part is she loved Ares more than anyone in this world. When his parents wanted him to be more boy-like she would save up the money to buy him the skirts and makeup he liked. She taught him how to do makeup even though she never liked doing it for herself. She fought anyone who said shit about Ares or any of them for that matter. With the amount of times she beat up alphas or betas who’ve tried to hit on Ares, she should’ve been arrested already. Because she was his protector he gained the confidence to be himself and they all loved her for that alone. She was his number one supporter and never gave a flying fuck what their parents thought.


“How are you doing Kloh? Ares told me about the whole alpha thing.” She asked as she sunk into the couch by him.


She naturally kicked off her boots and laid down, placing her head onto Kloh’s lap. He could roll his eyes and smile as she got comfortable.


“It’s been okay I guess.” He muttered as she took his hand and held it.


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Then she analyzed his face from where she was laying.


“Kloh, I’ll ask again. How are you?” She said after she finished.


Kloh sighed and smiled a bit. He leaned his head back to rest onto the back of the couch.


“I’m tired. Finals are gonna kick my ass. My mother is trying to waltz her way back into my life. I think I was drugged by the same person twice. And Alexandre keeps appearing in front of me.” He listed out everything he could think of.


“But……” She added.


Kloh smiled softly, his eyes closing as Dex’s face filled his mind’s eye.


“But I found my person. He doesn’t care that I used to be an omega. He likes to give me unsolicited science facts at 2am when he can’t sleep. He loves corny tshirts with ridiculous puns. He likes to sniff me when he thinks I’m not paying attention. He’s taller than me which I freaking love. He looks cold sometimes but melts like ice scream in the summer sun when we hug or kiss. He’s shy when it comes to intimacy. He’s awkward when it comes to jealousy. He’s a great friend and an amazing brother. He has goals, plans and a course set out for his life plans. And I’m so fucking grateful that I’m allowed to stand by him everyday whether it’s to support him or tease him or catch him if he falls. He is literally my everything.” Kloh said all at once as the smile on his face grew and tense body relaxed.

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“You love him?” She softly asked.


“Yes. I do.” He immediately replied.


“And he loves you?”


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“God I hope so. Even if it’s just a sliver of the love I have for him I’ll take it.”


“Good.” She patted his stomach. “You deserve to be happy. I can’t help you with finals and that stuff so good luck. I can probably scare your mom and Alexandre away with the other guys, if you would like. With the drugging thing, I’m gonna need a bit more info but that can wait till later.”


Kloh laughed and tilted his head. Seph grinned at him and reached up to pinch his cheek. And like that some of the stress he didn’t know he was carrying was gone. Sometimes just saying everything out loud to someone you know will listen is enough.


“Thanks Seph.”


“Anything for my baby brother.” She patted his cheek and grinned.


Baby brother? Kloh raised a brow. When she saw the look on his face she laughed.


“Ares can’t keep shit from me. Plus he used my card to order the test, the little idiot. It only took a cursory glance around his room to find everything I needed.” She explained as she laughed. “Plus the cute omega at the front called explained the whole situation when you went to get your blood drawn.”


“Why didn’t you say anything?” He finally asked after her laughter died down.


She shrugged and gave him a helpless smile.


“My family sucks. Dragging you into that drama wouldn’t help you. Either way I already considered you and the rest as my little siblings. We’d be family even if we didn’t share the same sperm donor.”


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“Thanks Seph.” Kloh whispered, his heart filling with a different kind of familial feeling that he only felt with his grandparents.


Growing up as an only child he could experience having an older sibling by proxy. But knowing that Seph treated him like a sibling even after she knew gave him such a warm feeling. She waved his thanks saying that it’s what she’s supposed to do as an older sister and patted his stomach again.


“Don’t mention it.”


Kloh grinned and nodded. He knew that didn’t like sappy emotions, as she called it. He took a minute to collect himself. Then they started speaking more about school and what had happened the past couple of months. He told her everything, even the details that he had omitted when telling his friends about his so-called second differentiation. He felt much better after getting everything off his chest. 


“Knock knock. Can I come in?” Grant stood outside the door.


“Come in.” Kloh called back as Speh quickly sat up and fixed her hair a bit 


Grant walked in with a clipboard. He smiled at the two. “Did I interrupt?”


“A beauty like you is always welcome to interrupt me.” Seph gave him a flirty smile.


Grant stared at her for a moment before smiling to himself and nodding. Kloh rolled his eyes and coughed to cover his laugh. Seph ignored Kloh’s terrible attempt and flashed a smile at Grant.


“Persephone…” Grant started to say


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“Please call me Seph, all my friends do.” She corrected him.


“Seph then…”


“Or would you rather a personal nickname. Perhaps one that only my special person can call me.” Her voice dipped a bit and he gazed at him with dark eyes. “Like Perse or my favorite Daddy.”


Grant blinked stunned for a moment then quickly cleared his throat. He dutifully ignored her rambling and went over to the computer and logged in. Seph let out a small satisfied smile as she saw the very light but visible blush appear in the tip of his ears. Kloh covered his mouth, holding back a laugh as Seph gave her all in flirting.


“Seph stop it.” Kloh whispered and poked her.


“Only if he tells me to. And I’m sure he will if he wants me to. Pay attention, today I’ll show you how to coax an omega.” She whispered back.


“Seph! He’s probably taken already.” He continued to whisper.


“No ring. Plus I asked the receptionist. He’s single, I’m single. Why not mingle?” She gave him a look he could only describe as alpha.


It was the look of a predator hunting their prey. For some the hunt was much better than the catch. For Seph it appeared she enjoyed both the hunt and the execution. And she had it her way the execution would occur in her apartment, naked and a shit ton of condoms.


“Anyway, I have your results Kloh. It seems that I was right. You are showing signs of a rut.” Grant spoke up, bringing the attention back to him. 


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Seph continued to give him a flirty look, which he actively ignored as he spoke to Kloh. Kloh nodded as he digested the information. In a way he knew it. The past couple of days he’d been getting antsy whenever he smelled another aloha by him. He’d been eating less but also carbo loading all at once. After researching heat symptoms when Dex was in estrus, he learned more about the alpha’s rut. But it wasn’t on the forefront of his mind which is why it wasn’t the first thing he thought of when he thought of his weird behaviors.


“Since it is your first one you can choose to schedule a room for yourself here at the center. Or if you have a significant other to be with, you can do that.”


“I have someone.” “He has a very special someone.” He and Seph spoke at once.


She wagged her eyebrows at him suggestively and he blushed.


“That’s good. From the hormone levels, you have at least another week before the symptoms advance and it begins.”


“Got it. Could I still book a space in case my partner,…….uhm you know….isn’t ready?” He blushed harder as he asked.


Having Dex help him through it would be amazing but he also didn’t want to assume that Dex would. After all, they’d never talked about it before. He was a bit scared. He had gone through a drug induced faux rut before and that felt terrible. He didn’t want to put Dex in a weird position.


Grant gave him a warm smile and nodded. 


“I’ll list you on our watch list. I also have Peeta give you a call button and a starter kit. Should you need any information please don’t hesitate to ask.”


“Alright, first real rut.” Seph clapped then grinned heavily at him, “Worry not your sister will educate you well.”


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And for some, very plausible, reason that scared him much more than the notion of going a rut did.




Author’s Note 


As an older sister I will say that younger siblings (although we would never admit it) are our children and will be babies when needed. Shout out to all the emotional support siblings whether younger, older, half, adopted or spiritual. We appreciate y’all 🗣


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

k8NZ T

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  1. I love Seph, she’s so cool! Also i get the feeling that Dex won’t spend Kloh’s rut with him but we’ll have to wait to see.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I think Dex handled that first (hot af) drug induced rut extremely well. I also think it’s hilarious that Beau is just normal compared to Seph 😂. The medical stuff is really fascinating – easy to follow and picture as I’m reading it. Thanks for not making it gross 👍.