Peter Pan and CinderellaCh18 - Just Like an Idiot


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  1. I really need something to happen between these two. Specially because of XZ.

    Thannnks for the chapter

    • tbh one of the things i dont like about this novel is how long it takes for them to get together HAHAHA i think it does take a few more chapters


    I feel bad for him tho. Imagine treating someone as a good friend but they’re actually fake and just here for your money. That ex-friend of his, I hope he gets the retribution he deserves.But will they do that though? Too early QWQI am glad that Xiao Xie and Wang Chao finally met even though it’s late. Better late than never. Thank you very much for this chapter! Stay hydrated (ㆁωㆁ)

    • i know this novel is supposed to be funny and all but i do feel very bad for wang chao, no one around him actually likes him for who he is. they always have ulterior motives when approaching him, either for his money or for his status. which is why im v happy that xzx likes him for who he is :))