The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh26 - Neighbourhood (11)


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Translator's Note

某某 : mǒu mǒu – so-and-so / such-and-such
in the OG text, her name was Liu MouMou

Translator's Note

According to google: A pleasant-smelling colourless volatile liquid that is highly flammable. It is used as an anaesthetic and as a solvent or intermediate in industrial processes.

Translator's Note

the full description was 再排除掉拾荒老人的脚踩式垃圾车 – translated to: the old scavenger’s foot-powered garbage truck. But I think it’s more like this:

Translator's Note

羊入虎口 : yáng rù hǔ kǒu – lit. a lamb in a tiger’s den (idiom) / fig. to tread dangerous ground

Translator's Note

天网恢恢,疏而不漏 : tiān wǎng huī huī, shū’ér bù lòu – lit. heaven’s net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73) / fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape / you can’t run from the long arm of the law

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  1. Goodbye NEET, we won’t miss you. Unfortunately, this might release enough locks to go after an ‘npc’.

    Fortunately, our npc-Chan has a ghost card and (life protecting?) thread.

  2. Love these parallels as the two of them work, even though they have similar temperaments and intelligence they have slightly different priorities and styles, too cool. There’s a lot of narrative emphasis on the deliveryman (and Ren Yifei’s concerned about being in danger in his apartment in particular so that should be whom he saw stalking him), but one of the first things we heard about the deliveryman was that he acted like a completely different person. Then, wouldn’t it make more sense that he’s not the original body of the ghost…? Unless, being dead already, he thinks of his scar as its own work of art. Anyway, if it’s not him it would make a lot of sense that the ghost used the Floral Shirt guy’s heartblood to draw a rose at Song Bozhi’s door—since he isn’t in his own body anymore, the ghost could really literally give him a gift ~from the heart~ that way. In any case, this NEET player is just too stupid to live haha

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  3. Wait. There was no follow up to that one time someone else delivered food to MC.. MC’s narrative didnt describe the guy, if its really someone else or “Xiao Zheng” is lying

    Aw just caught up, thanks for the chapters~

  4. Aaah dang, I should have waited for the end of the instance before I decided to catch up xDD

    Nevertheless, thx for all the chs ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  5. After rereading the fake eyes was a hint- baby Fei is blind but the killer kills the people dressing up and gives them fake eyes…. 👀 anyone see where I’m going with this thought?