The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh234 - Deep Blue (1)


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Translator's Note

Gluttony saves lives.

Translator's Note

张正元: Zhāng zhēngyuán

Translator's Note

The Resume

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Because in most of his previous roles, RYF had to be cautious until he gathers enough clues to act more freely. This time, except for the beginning, all the info he needed at the moment was readily available. Is A Fei finally getting a break?

Translator's Note

明光: Míng guāng – Bright
Fish is not sure if this was intended to be a description, a name or a place (because Ming Guang is also the name of a county in Chuzhou.

Translator's Note

OG term used here was “大哥”, meaning eldest brother/big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself)/boss.

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  1. It’s scary because it’s too normal, with an overemphasis on how beautiful everything is, which in a horror setting always means that there is something influencing either your consciousness or your perception of reality / the world around you.

    Honestly, it sounds like there’s some eldritch horror squatting in the lake. Would also explain the ‘Deep Blue’. And why everything is ~so beautiful~… An instance that makes you slowly forget it’s an instance? But it seems to be fighting against the CoD.

    Also, there’s a Lovecraft story where especially artists were influenced by a strange, horrific dream. And the architecture related to gods in Lovecraft stories is often ancient, unexplored and mysterious and so on, so that might be it?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Incredible foodie moment there right after the most ominous “waking up” sequence lol, nice translation

    So you felt this arc was scarier than normal too huh?

  3. The sense of absolute loss of control for an unidentified reason is always the most intimidating of any horror setting for me. Like I can accept if I’m just not fast, strong, or smart enough, but having something totally outside my control messing with me? Spoopy. That probably says something about me though, doesn’t it? Haha

  4. the scariest part of this chapter is the fact that i just learned that this is the second to last arc… what am i gonna do when i don’t have a fei and saman to look forward to every week anymore??!! 💔

    • also i feel like the lake definitely has something to do with the instance, like there’s an ancient existence sleeping in the lake and it noticed a fei and likes him, so it gooped the guy who bumped into him. like when it said that an eye opened in a crack in a deep conciousness or something and his soul reached out to it… having some sort of ancient monstrosity be interested in a fei seems like something cod would do

  5. As a avid reader of unlimited flow novels

    I have a bold theory on RYF ordinary identity! What if Zhang zhengyuan is already dead and RYF is the one who took over his identity so the resume showed the body information not his own identity in the instance !!

    Hur Hur it’s just a guess !!