Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh48 - A Piece of the Action


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Like he’s monopolizing Shizun

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  1. Share!! I support sharing😍😍💯💯💯. Sharing is caring and caring is loving 😁😁. Shizun Jiang should also get a taste of his three disciples meat sticks 😜😜😂😂😂.

  2. Li Huanhuan really has taken full advantage of his inner demon and play the pity card hahah

    There were added spice? It flows really smoothly with the story I didn’t even notice (*≧艸≦) I personally prefer my delicacies a little bit spicy ~ XD

    Thank you for the lovely chapter! 💕

  3. LOVE this chapter!!! Thanks for the translators for giving us the extra spiceness, y’all awesome talented individuals ❤️

  4. Ooooo thank you so much for the extra spice!!!! I loved it!!

  5. The more spice the better! That censorship crab walking by is such a frustration. I think for the authors as well! Anyway, it blends so smoothly I couldn’t tell where the author ended and you started!

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  6. Thank you so much for extra spice added. Wasn’t expecting it. 👏🤭😮🙏🌻🌈🌹💜

  7. I feel like Huanhan supporters are winning, but at this rate the 3-in-1 ML might also not just be dream, if all of them get a piece of the action 👀 (Also, @ Sahl’s note, we definitely don’t mind)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  8. Omg haha i giggled sooo much😍love this chapter…huanhan is getting the advantage😍😍out of the 3 huanhan is always the one that can touch his shizun there👇🏻Shizun is slowly losing it too😍thank u for the chapter and the added spice😍

    • Thank you @Sahl for the excellent spice added, you indisputable Queen of Smut Fiends. 😍😍😍 You know what feeds my soul.

  9. I have SO MANY thoughts 😭

    Okay normal ones first. I still like Li Huanhan the best. Not only is he the most mature, but whenever something happens between them Jiang Yinghe always feels something? With Chang Ye he just goes with it. With Qin Jun he pushes away. But with LHH he’s always like “I want to push away. Should I push away? Why is my heart beating?” 😭

    As for the, uhm, “action”, I NEVER thought they would actually go there, as in in the back 😭 It’s like the last of all bases and they REALLY (well, almost) went there 😭


    I’m a bit curious though. What were the extra spice that were added? Lmao. Just wanted to see the difference between this and the original text 😅

    In any case thanks a lot for the chapter! I have been so invested in this novel before I knew it lmao

  10. I approve of the extra spiciness, of course!!

    Li Huanhan is not gonna eat that cake alone!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Extra spiciness approved, you don’t even need to ask, lol.

    And Qin Jun’s absolutely right. Li Huanhan is so skilled, man… I’m melting into another bloody pool myself. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

  12. thank you for the chapter

    and for the bridge over the sensure

    I like it


  13. huanhan is my fav not opposed to him taking shizun’s first time hehe

    but also I do wish it were under circumstances where shizun is able to reciprocate emotionally