PeachCh193 - Marching North


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  1. “May the Emperor reign for tens of thousands of years!”

    With immortality Qiqi just might! (But I bet he’ll tire of it quickly and let one of his younger brothers take over. Or his ancestor. 😆)

    Thank you

  2. Granpa still going after 3 nights. Heheheh

    Thank you for the new chapter. Here comes the new emperor with pheonixes. Bwahahaha.. cant wait for the next one

  3. »He stuffed them into mouth..« his mouth

    »His gaze became cold and forbidding as he raised hand..« a hand

    Daddy Dan, are you sure you were worried or did you just wanted to interrupt their sweet time? xDD

    Yeah, Tiande was never and will never be the brightest snowflake out there.

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. Rouge bandits are the most despicable kind. They steal ALL the makeup, not just rouge, and wear it all themselves! Then all the concubines and prostitutes can’t make any money and cry. So evil.