PeachCh192 - Transferring Cultivation


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  1. Hahaha each grandpa sneaking a grope of the handsome youth version of each other! Oh boy wait until Ancestor Wu finds out what that last step is 😆. How long will he keep playing hard to get after that pfft.

  2. Hahahha.. this is so wholesome. Tiande left hung by himself.. granpas having the time of their life .. and the kids.. well theyre just happy with each other. I love tiande’s end .. or lack thereof.

  3. Emperor Wu… I was crying, LITERALLY CRYING, because I thought Birdie Grandpa was gonna be too late 😭😭 thank heavens that you’re reunited. You both should “cultivate” well now ehehehehe

  4. They’re having their grand reunion and Tiande on the side: Hello? I’m here too. I’m the main character, I’m the emperor!!! Helloooo?

    Thx for the ch ( >ヮ<)/

  5. I feel like grandpa Shaoyan disappeared because he was throwing a tantrum like an angry wife. His phoenix kissed him but didn’t take responsibility.