PeachCh160 - Birdie Dad’s Teachings


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Translator's Note

Buddhists were basically the original vegans, so it was weird for them to keep an animal product, particularly something like lambskin, where the animal had to die to produce it.

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  1. I wonder what age would Dan Yi be able to fly? No rush though! Can’t wait for the others to be shocked once they knew the bride was Qiqi ≧∇≦

  2. The New Year in the novel is also our New Year! What a coincidence! Celebrating together with the characters, Happy New Yearrr!

  3. Happy new years!! I just realised how dog blood is this love story from Cloud Palaces bystander point of view. It’s basically, Qiqi gets sold by his greedy brother to the emperor, from kidney to heart, love appears lol

  4. Hahaha Xiaojin knows what he’s talking about 😂. And how cute is daddy phoenix riding his babies on his back omg

  5. I wonder if DY would be better daddy material xD I’m just waiting for DS going bald from too much feather plucking.

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

    (And a veeeery belated HNY xD)