The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh88 - Beautiful Countenance


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  1. Can anyone smarter than me explain what on earth had this girl been implying? It should probably be something different from what LS thought, but i can’t think of anything…

    • its the same as LS thought, the girl couldnt believe that Lin Shu is a kept hamster.. LFX and LS hadn’t really explained to everyone that they are engaged.. so everyone who doesnt know the engagement thought that Lin Shu is a kept man :p that’s why LS always refers to LFX ‘his owner’

        • It’s not that he can’t read LFX ideas, it’s just LS is ignorant about sexuality it seems. He’s very simple minded, that LFX is a woman and he is a man. He doesn’t have any experience in previous life being with other people so he still doesn’t know how to react to everything. As we can see everything that makes him question about LFX, he comes up with very simple answers, but never comes in his mind that LFX is indeed a man. Same as when LFX says something to him that gives clue that she thinks LS is a woman, there would always be a plausible explanation for LS for him not to think that LFX thought she is a woman. So the cross-wiring continues.
          • I like that novel for the visible main character development. It’s very interesting to see how LS changing while encountering new experiences. Also, hoping that later we will be able to glimpse at the situation from LFX point of view! We still don’t know why he decided that LS is a woman… Although there’s small clues of possibilities, but they are not very obvious still…

  2. That girl should be grateful that she’s still alive. Ling Fengxiao was kind enough to let her live after she tried to snatch his hamster 🤣

    Is the truth gonna be revealed at last?! Yey!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    Omg I swear!!!! The mutual misunderstanding! Is killing me!! AAaAAAAHh!!

    I agree!! Just strip him already!! Get it over it!

  4. _ …he must have graduated. _

    I can’t kneel any lower, so I’m lying face down.

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. why would the Bog Miss be jealous, after all he thinks that Lin Shu is like him, someone who disguises in the opposite gender 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Oh yeah. I forgot. The ML thought that LinShu is a girl disguised as man . Haha!! The almighty Fengxiao couldn’t differentiate whether LinShu is in disguise or not.