The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh87 - Ling Fengxiao as a Person


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  1. Push the insignificant “little girl” aside….but Lin Shu! Please realized soon that both you and LFX have your genders all haywire in each other minds….🤒

  2. Ling Fengxiao: observes “her” and thinks “Hmm Little Fool is a bit tall”

    Lin Shu: observes “her” and thinks “Wow Big Miss has gotten even bigger”

    Cat: rolls eyes

    Me: rolls eyes

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Even if Ling Fengxiao was 2 meters tall, Lin Shu would come up with the reasonable explanation that she is an Amazon or smth.

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  4. I was wondering, why would Big Miss be jealous of another girl’s attention? She thinks LS is a girl cross dressing as a guy right? If LS started getting more guy friends then it’ll be a problem wouldn’t it?

  5. Whew, this is like Game of Thrones, a zombie army is difficult to fight because the more people they kill, the more they grow in number. 😬