The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh58 - Tianzi Library


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    • I have 3 nasty ones, always laying down on my laptop preventing me to work.. wanna have one? or two? mannn, I’ll give you three…hehehehe

      • I can’t have cats since I’m allergic😭 or else I would have hoarded cats!! God limited me since they knew I was too powerful otherwise….

        Cherish your nasty little gremlin children ahahahah

        • they were cute when they were kittens, but now ahhhhckk, they look at you like I am their slave.. “give me food human or I will scratch your eyes out” -sort of look.. lol

  1. A zither? Whoa. That’s cool.

    Hehehe Xiao Shao has to clarify things before Lin Shu thinks he was unfaithful.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. that poor boy… RIP you can thank the Big Miss as he beats you up 😅😅😅

    Fengxiao: Dirtying my image in front of Lin Shu, huh… hmph 😤