The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh59 - Extinction


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  1. Do I see… a dog and blood love story between the Demon Lord and the Immortal Lord? ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒

  2. I feel a love story, that could make a little spicy tale!

    Hehehehe, I want him to follow and for him to level up he must be close to someone. xD

  3. Thanks for the chapter!!

    Oh man I can’t wait too see Lin Shu in action once he gets his hands on some way to properly fight!

  4. This is so annoying, the MC is so meek without free will. He drifts along the currents and doesn’t dare to stir against the currents to save himself. I don’t mind possessing ML with meek MC, but this MC’s only reason to not defy ML is that he is powerless to do so, not because he realizes that his decision is not the best. ML’s purpose here is more like a caretaker to MC.

    I’m hoping for MC to go against the current by himself and not 80% because of ML’s help.

    There are 151 chapters left. I’m hoping for MC’s character improvement.