The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh57 - The Ambition is not Here


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  1. Please, just overlook whatever words we have murdered during the translation. I’m really sure the Immortal Fairies of Huandang Mountain sent these 3chapters to test our brain skills and emotional skills.. Rose and I are hunting that fairy now, with our knives and axes..

  2. Feel free to point out our mistakes so we can rectify it.. thank you for understanding.. may the force be with you all.. lol

  3. Ah all this talk about Dao and stuff really is…..I don’t have enough braincells for this😅. Thanks for the effort and the update!!

  4. I suddenly thought of a theory while reading this chapter. What if Xiao came in his original form because if he was in his female form he’d be exposed since it’s their souls that are entering the space?

  5. uhm, hihi-!

    I really like this novel.

    I’m Giss, I respectfully i want to ask your permission to be able to translate this history into Spanish, based on its translation.

    I would appreciate if you responded to this comment.

    • Ohhh.. thanks for loving it.. as for your request, I have discussed it with our lovely editors already 🙂 hit me up in discord.. Iza Nao Mizaki#2082 🙂

        • Oh okay, you are not using discord app?

          you can translate it in Spanish basing on my translation but I cannot guarantee that it is 100% accurate. Still lots of improvements 🙂 If you do it, please give due credit to the Author and Eng translators, and also you have to send me the link to your translations so that I can link it to the novels’ homepage. Having a Discord App is really helpful.

    • thank you for your support.. needed some cultivation skills for these chapters.. and Rose and Ea are awesome, always throwing me links to Pinyin Dictionaries and Chinese stuff.. soon I will be having these phoenix eyes already and will be going out of the house brandishing a fan and waiting for rickshaws to ride hehehe

  6. for some teason I am getting this feeling since they entered that Ling Xiao is Fengxiao… Their interaction somewhat becomes ambigious at times, which made me suspect such a thing 🤔🤔🤔 not to mention Lin Shu keeps on seeing Fengxiao on Ling Xiao