The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh56 - Breaking The Alarm


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Translator's Note

Qiantian (乾天 Heaven), Duize(兑泽 Lake), Lihuo(离火 Fire), Zhenlei(震雷 Thunder), Xunfeng(巽风 Wind), Kanshui(坎水 Water), Genshan(艮山 Mountain), Kundi(坤地 Earth)

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  1. Warning: This chapter contains “tongue twisters”. lol .if ever you get confused.. welcome to the club!! I am too..

  2. Thank you for your effort!

    praying for the translator and editor *

    Me in this chapter >>> skipping the chess focusing on CP interaction!

  3. Even if I reread some paragraphs to grasp the concepts… it’s hard!!

    It’s good that the boys could pass.

    Thanks for the chapter! I send Some revival pills for Zaki and Rose 😆

    • so true, i remember Lin shu kept mentioning how he hated modern physics.. frankly speaking during translating this chapter, I wanted to find who invented that modern physics thingy and give him a good beating..i had a migraine afterwards lol and rose fell asleep after taking headache meds hahaha

  4. Will further translation cause Zaki’s brain to go into the -i (imaginary numbers) territory? If so then Rose needs to have the opposite value (i.e -(-i)) to restore harmony and balance🤭🤭

  5. Am I the only one who thought of Orion. I think that’s the name anyway. It’s the program UPS or FedEx or one of those shipping companies use to connect their locations as efficiently as possible. In other words it takes countless nodes with different data sets and connects them similar to what they were doing. Although that would be on a map not 3D space. It also reminds me of node combinations in some AI systems. Neural networks or something like that.

  6. Crazy theory, but what if their system also works with the universe? Two worlds are connected, one has over abundant spiritual qi, the other is lacking in it. But together, they can function properly. And then Lin Shu grew up in the world with lacking spiritual qi and was sent to the one with abundance after his failed tribulation?

    Also, I can’t stop thinking that his master orchestrated him being sent into the body of the “little idiot” 🤔