The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh45 - It’s Not Simple


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  1. Yasss! It updated! Thank you so much!<3

    I almost thought it got dropped,,,,

    Ahh wonder what happened with big miss????

    Perhaps the paper is that manual he wanted???

    lol so many questions XD

  2. Hi Zaki! (σ≧▽≦)σ Thanks for picking this up, it’s been a while since it updated ó_ò

    Welcome!! And no worries about mistakes, just do your thing~

  3. Thank you so much for picking up the tl! <3 It’s great! Hopefully you’ll finish it haha

  4. Ha! I’ve been waiting for Lin Shu’s face when he reads the contents hehe.. I still have to wait for the next chapter ahh

    Thanks for picking this up TwT and for the chapter♡

  5. Oh oh oh! Welcome! Hope you intend to upload sooner? Please say yes…?🥺

    Not native in english? Not that I am, but to me this chapter looks really good.

  6. Thanks so much Namizaki, and Ea!!! 🎉🎉

    The master couldn’t heal his meridians, so he got him a husband to do dual cultivation with in the future? Hahaha. What a considerate master. If that’s the case, Lin Shu is gonna drop dead when he learns the truth fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. i kinda get why the big miss is upset, but also not?? if lin shu ‘woke up’ at 15 after being an idiot for ten years, doesn’t that mean he was only five when he was left??

    and i assume he was betrothed before that, so he could have been four, even. how much do you remember from being four?

    just cut the little guy some slack. 😭