The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh44 - Ling Fengxiao’s Cylinder


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  1. Hmmm something tells me it was something from their “childhood” or like the Taoyuan Jun guy… 🤔

    I love how Lin Shu is becoming one with his hamster-being-kept-by-rich-owner life.

    Thanks for the chapter!! 🥰

  2. The books!!!!!! What a tragedy for the poor library.

    After that incident, Ling Fengxiao won’t let Lin Shu go away from him.

    OHHH, if LFX is that upset, then that cylinder must be his promise token for the engagement, I guess. Will he explain everything to Lin Shu or he’ll only get angry?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Uh oh… looks like Xiao Shao knows what it is. probably has something to do with the engagement.

    once Ling Shao finds out what the cylinder is will he make the excuse that he doesn’t remember anything involving the ghost city you know like the usual excuse… amnesia… 😅😅😅

  4. Ah~ I feel like it was supposed to be a surprise but since the name was changed to Ling Fengxiao’s cylinder the element of tadaa! Is gone

    Thanks for the chapter la ~~

  5. Thanks for the chapter~

    Guys this is super random but I’ve seen a lot of commenters mentioning this novel… it’s abbreviated as FOD. Can someone please tell me the name? I’m so curious… ㅠ ㅠ

  6. As soon as they mentioned the living corpse, I knew the books were gonna get destroyed, but still held hope that it wouldn’t be that bad. It was pretty bad. RIP books (at least they’re all able to get replaced thanks to LFX’s connections lol)

  7. Aah my poor hamster! Just say you don’t remember anything, it’s technically the truth!

    Thanks for the chapter!