Mr Xie And His CatCh47 - Hidden Danger


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Translator's Note

屋漏偏逢连夜雨 (Wū lòu piān féng liányè yǔ): Unfortunate things happen one after another and there was a bigger blow that added fuel to the fire.

Translator's Note

This was in an earlier chapter; only the person who caused the issue can solve it.

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  1. Perhaps I’m too long-winded but i really dislike his father for beating him up despite not knowing what caused Ji Qinghuai’s loss of control! See, now the poison became even more dangerous!

  2. That’s sounds terrible! And I was wondering why XL didn’t say anything yet… Hope nothing more serious happen!

    Thank You for the new chapter 💜

  3. I just hope that JQH will at least confide in XY about his current condition or everyone else will just think that whatever may happen later is smth JQH does bc he wants to D:

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. I can only say… I understand creating complications for the sake of the plot, but… the doctor is supposed to be a high-ranking medical professional. Having him be so unprofessional and incompetent really… kind of detracts from the story. Other issues aside, he never did even basic research on the problem before starting to blindly flail for two months, and he never informed his patient of a serious health issue. ‘Who could have foreseen that he would be injured repeatedly’…. seriously? When the latest injuries – not to mention the situation that caused them – could have been prevented entirely if he’d communicated properly with the patient? It just ends up absurd and clumsy.