Marshal, Please Calm DownCh065 - The Marshal Is In a Very Good Mood


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!!!

    Ooooooh diner date. 🤩😆 Well, this couple is not moving quickly, it’s turtle …no snail pace! We are almost through 1/3 of the story and they aren’t even a couple yet. I’m still waiting for the great reveal and some couple-y development.

  2. An entire chapter… To invite someone to dinner and gossip about the Marshal smiling.

    Get on with it….. ರ_ರ

    Thanks to the translators. (◠‿・)—

  3. Waiting for Ares to get too excited and spill the beans. 🙂

  4. It’s funny to see Scott’s reaction and I’m happy that they will finally start to do some work!! These gossipy people are really unafraid!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. i have feeling since it was luo ye’s dishes for wuzimo in the diner it should be….bugs? as a dish…well whatever it is good luck marshal…